どこまでも迷走を続けるLESS THAN HUMAN

どこまでも迷走を続けるLESS THAN HUMAN




 999.9、 EYEVAN7285、ペルソール、less than human などの



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The null set is conceptually similar to the role of the number “zero” as it is used in quantum field theory. In quantum field theory, one can take the empty set, the vacuum, and generate all possible physical configurations of the Universe being modelled by acting on it with creation operators, and one can similarly change from one thing to another by applying mixtures of creation and anihillation operators to suitably filled or empty states. The anihillation operator applied to the vacuum, however, yields zero.

Zero in this case is the null set – it stands, quite literally, for no physical state in the Universe. The important point is that it is not possible to act on zero with a creation operator to create something; creation operators only act on the vacuum which is empty but not zero. Physicists are consequently fairly comfortable with the existence of operations that result in “nothing” and don’t even require that those operations be contradictions, only operationally non-invertible.

It is also far from unknown in mathematics. When considering the set of all real numbers as quantities and the operations of ordinary arithmetic, the “empty set” is algebraically the number zero (absence of any quantity, positive or negative). However, when one performs a division operation algebraically, one has to be careful to exclude division by zero from the set of permitted operations! The result of division by zero isn’t zero, it is “not a number” or “undefined” and is not in the Universe of real numbers.

Just as one can easily “prove” that 1 = 2 if one does algebra on this set of numbers as if one can divide by zero legitimately3.34, so in logic one gets into trouble if one assumes that the set of all things that are in no set including the empty set is a set within the algebra, if one tries to form the set of all sets that do not include themselves, if one asserts a Universal Set of Men exists containing a set of men wherein a male barber shaves all men that do not shave themselves3.35.

It is not – it is the null set, not the empty set, as there can be no male barbers in a non-empty set of men (containing at least one barber) that shave all men in that set that do not shave themselves at a deeper level than a mere empty list. It is not an empty set that could be filled by some algebraic operation performed on Real Male Barbers Presumed to Need Shaving in trial Universes of Unshaven Males as you can very easily see by considering any particular barber, perhaps one named “Socrates”, in any particular Universe of Men to see if any of the sets of that Universe fit this predicate criterion with Socrates as the barber. Take the empty set (no men at all). Well then there are no barbers, including Socrates, so this cannot be the set we are trying to specify as it clearly must contain at least one barber and we’ve agreed to call its relevant barber Socrates. (and if it contains more than one, the rest of them are out of work at the moment).

Suppose a trial set contains Socrates alone. In the classical rendition we ask, does he shave himself? If we answer “no”, then he is a member of this class of men who do not shave themselves and therefore must shave himself. Oops. Well, fine, he must shave himself. However, if he does shave himself, according to the rules he can only shave men who don’t shave themselves and so he doesn’t shave himself. Oops again. Paradox. When we try to apply the rule to a potential Socrates to generate the set, we get into trouble, as we cannot decide whether or not Socrates should shave himself.

Note that there is no problem at all in the existential set theory being proposed. In that set theory either Socrates must shave himself as All Men Must Be Shaven and he’s the only man around. Or perhaps he has a beard, and all men do not in fact need shaving. Either way the set with just Socrates does not contain a barber that shaves all men because Socrates either shaves himself or he doesn’t, so we shrug and continue searching for a set that satisfies our description pulled from an actual Universe of males including barbers. We immediately discover that adding more men doesn’t matter. As long as those men, barbers or not, either shave themselves or Socrates shaves them they are consistent with our set description (although in many possible sets we find that hey, other barbers exist and shave other men who do not shave themselves), but in no case can Socrates (as our proposed single barber that shaves all men that do not shave themselves) be such a barber because he either shaves himself (violating the rule) or he doesn’t (violating the rule). Instead of concluding that there is a paradox, we observe that the criterion simply doesn’t describe any subset of any possible Universal Set of Men with no barbers, including the empty set with no men at all, or any subset that contains at least Socrates for any possible permutation of shaving patterns including ones that leave at least some men unshaven altogether.

 I understand your note as if you are saying the limit is infinity but nothing is equal to infinity, but you concluded corretly infinity is undefined. Your example of getting the denominator smaller and smalser the result of the division is a very large number that approches infinity. This is the intuitive mathematical argument that plunged philosophy into mathematics. at that level abstraction mathematics, as well as phyisics become the realm of philosophi. The notion of infinity is more a philosopy question than it is mathamatical. The reason we cannot devide by zero is simply axiomatic as Plato pointed out. The underlying reason for the axiom is because sero is nothing and deviding something by nothing i
s undefined. That axiom agrees with the notion of limit infinity, i.e. undefined. There are more phiplosphy books and thoughts about infinity in philosophy books than than there are discussions on infinity in math books.


An Early Reference to Division by Zero C. B. Boyer


Lea esta bitácora en español
There is a mathematical concept that says that division by zero has no meaning, or is an undefined expression, because it is impossible to have a real number that could be multiplied by zero in order to obtain another number different from zero.
While this mathematical concept has been held as true for centuries, when it comes to the human level the present situation in global societies has, for a very long time, been contradicting it. It is true that we don’t all live in a mathematical world or with mathematical concepts in our heads all the time. However, we cannot deny that societies around the globe are trying to disprove this simple mathematical concept: that division by zero is an impossible equation to solve.
Yes! We are all being divided by zero tolerance, zero acceptance, zero love, zero compassion, zero willingness to learn more about the other and to find intelligent and fulfilling ways to adapt to new ideas, concepts, ways of doing things, people and cultures. We are allowing these ‘zero denominators’ to run our equations, our lives, our souls.
Each and every single day we get more divided and distanced from other people who are different from us. We let misinformation and biased concepts divide us, and we buy into these aberrant concepts in such a way, that we get swept into this division by zero without checking our consciences first.
I believe, however, that if we change the zeros in any of the “divisions by zero” that are running our lives, we will actually be able to solve the non-mathematical concept of this equation: the human concept.
>I believe deep down that we all have a heart, a conscience, a brain to think with, and, above all, an immense desire to learn and evolve. And thanks to all these positive things that we do have within, I also believe that we can use them to learn how to solve our “division by zero” mathematical impossibility at the human level. I am convinced that the key is open communication and an open heart. Nothing more, nothing less.
Are we scared of, or do we feel baffled by the way another person from another culture or country looks in comparison to us? Are we bothered by how people from other cultures dress, eat, talk, walk, worship, think, etc.? Is this fear or bafflement so big that we much rather reject people and all the richness they bring within?
How about if instead of rejecting or retreating from that person—division of our humanity by zero tolerance or zero acceptance—we decided to give them and us a chance?
How about changing that zero tolerance into zero intolerance? Why not dare ask questions about the other person’s culture and way of life? Let us have the courage to let our guard down for a moment and open up enough for this person to ask us questions about our culture and way of life. How about if we learned to accept that while a person from another culture is living and breathing in our own culture, it is totally impossible for him/her to completely abandon his/her cultural values in order to become what we want her to become?
Let’s be totally honest with ourselves at least: Would any of us really renounce who we are and where we come from just to become what somebody else asks us to become?
If we are not willing to lose our identity, why should we ask somebody else to lose theirs?
I believe with all my heart that if we practiced positive feelings—zero intolerance, zero non-acceptance, zero indifference, zero cruelty—every day, the premise that states that division by zero is impossible would continue being true, not only in mathematics, but also at the human level. We would not be divided anymore; we would simply be building a better world for all of us.
Hoping to have touched your soul in a meaningful way,
Adriana Adarve, Asheville, NC


2017年09月01日(金)NEW ! 
Former algebraic approach was formally perfect, but it merely postulated existence of sets and morphisms [18] without showing methods to construct them. The primary concern of modern algebras is not how an operation can be performed, but whether it maps into or onto and the like abstract issues [19–23]. As important as this may be for proofs, the nature does not really care about all that. The PM’s concerns were not constructive, even though theoretically significant. We need thus an approach that is more relevant to operations performed in nature, which never complained about morphisms or the allegedly impossible division by zero, as far as I can tell. Abstract sets and morphisms should be de-emphasized as hardly operational. My decision to come up with a definite way to implement the feared division by zero was not really arbitrary, however. It has removed a hidden paradox from number theory and an obvious absurd from algebraic group theory. It was necessary step for full deployment of constructive, synthetic mathematics (SM) [2,3]. Problems hidden in PM implicitly affect all who use mathematics, even though we may not always be aware of their adverse impact on our thinking. Just take a look at the paradox that emerges from the usual prescription for multiplication of zeros that remained uncontested for some 5000 years 0  0 ¼ 0 ) 0  1=1 ¼ 0 ) 0  1 ¼ 0 1) 1ð? ¼ ?Þ1 ð0aÞ This ‘‘fact’’ was covered up by the infamous prohibition on division by zero [2]. How ingenious. If one is prohibited from dividing by zero one could not obtain this paradox. Yet the prohibition did not really make anything right. It silenced objections to irresponsible reasonings and prevented corrections to the PM’s flamboyant axiomatizations. The prohibition on treating infinity as invertible counterpart to zero did not do any good either. We use infinity in calculus for symbolic calculations of limits [24], for zero is the infinity’s twin [25], and also in projective geometry as well as in geometric mapping of complex numbers. Therein a sphere is cast onto the plane that is tangent to it and its free (opposite) pole in a point at infinity [26–28]. Yet infinity as an inverse to the natural zero removes the whole absurd (0a), for we obtain [2] 0 ¼ 1=1 ) 0  0 ¼ 1=12 > 0 0 ð0bÞ Stereographic projection of complex numbers tacitly contradicted the PM’s prescribed way to multiply zeros, yet it was never openly challenged. The old formula for multiplication of zeros (0a) is valid only as a practical approximation, but it is group-theoretically inadmissible in no-nonsense reasonings. The tiny distinction in formula (0b) makes profound theoretical difference for geometries and consequently also for physical applications. T


10,000 Year Clock
by Renny Pritikin
Conversation with Paolo Salvagione, lead engineer on the 10,000-year clock project, via e-mail in February 2010.

For an introduction to what we’re talking about here’s a short excerpt from a piece by Michael Chabon, published in 2006 in Details: ….Have you heard of this thing? It is going to be a kind of gigantic mechanical computer, slow, simple and ingenious, marking the hour, the day, the year, the century, the millennium
, and the precession of the equinoxes, with a huge orrery to keep track of the immense ticking of the six naked-eye planets on their great orbital mainspring. The Clock of the Long Now will stand sixty feet tall, cost tens of millions of dollars, and when completed its designers and supporters plan to hide it in a cave in the Great Basin National Park in Nevada, a day’s hard walking from anywhere. Oh, and it’s going to run for ten thousand years. But even if the Clock of the Long Now fails to last ten thousand years, even if it breaks down after half or a quarter or a tenth that span, this mad contraption will already have long since fulfilled its purpose. Indeed the Clock may have accomplished its greatest task before it is ever finished, perhaps without ever being built at all. The point of the Clock of the Long Now is not to measure out the passage, into their unknown future, of the race of creatures that built it. The point of the Clock is to revive and restore the whole idea of the Future, to get us thinking about the Future again, to the degree if not in quite the way same way that we used to do, and to reintroduce the notion that we don’t just bequeath the future—though we do, whether we think about it or not. We also, in the very broadest sense of the first person plural pronoun, inherit it.

Renny Pritikin: When we were talking the other day I said that this sounds like a cross between Borges and the vast underground special effects from Forbidden Planet. I imagine you hear lots of comparisons like that…

Paolo Salvagione: (laughs) I can’t say I’ve heard that comparison. A childhood friend once referred to the project as a cross between Tinguely and Fabergé. When talking about the clock, with people, there’s that divide-by-zero moment (in the early days of computers to divide by zero was a sure way to crash the computer) and I can understand why. Where does one place, in one’s memory, such a thing, such a concept? After the pause, one could liken it to a reboot, the questions just start streaming out.

RP: OK so I think the word for that is nonplussed. Which the thesaurus matches with flummoxed, bewildered, at a loss. So the question is why even (I assume) fairly sophisticated people like your friends react like that. Is it the physical scale of the plan, or the notion of thinking 10,000 years into the future—more than the length of human history?

PS: I’d say it’s all three and more. I continue to be amazed by the specificity of the questions asked. Anthropologists ask a completely different set of questions than say, a mechanical engineer or a hedge fund manager. Our disciplines tie us to our perspectives. More than once, a seemingly innocent question has made an impact on the design of the clock. It’s not that we didn’t know the answer, sometimes we did, it’s that we hadn’t thought about it from the perspective of the person asking the question. Back to your question. I think when sophisticated people, like you, thread this concept through their own personal narrative it tickles them. Keeping in mind some people hate to be tickled.

RP: Can you give an example of a question that redirected the plan? That’s really so interesting, that all you brainiacs slaving away on this project and some amateur blithely pinpoints a problem or inconsistency or insight that spins it off in a different direction. It’s like the butterfly effect.

PS: Recently a climatologist pointed out that our equation of time cam, (photo by Rolfe Horn) (a cam is a type of gear: link) a device that tracks the difference between solar noon and mundane noon as well as the precession of the equinoxes, did not account for the redistribution of water away from the earth’s poles. The equation-of-time cam is arguably one of the most aesthetically pleasing parts of the clock. It also happens to be one that is fairly easy to explain. It visually demonstrates two extremes. If you slice it, like a loaf of bread, into 10,000 slices each slice would represent a year. The outside edge of the slice, let’s call it the crust, represents any point in that year, 365 points, 365 days. You could, given the right amount of magnification, divide it into hours, minutes, even seconds. Stepping back and looking at the unsliced cam the bottom is the year 2000 and the top is the year 12000. The twist that you see is the precession of the equinoxes. Now here’s the fun part, there’s a slight taper to the twist, that’s the slowing of the earth on its axis. As the ice at the poles melts we have a redistribution of water, we’re all becoming part of the “slow earth” movement.

RP: Are you familiar with Charles Ray’s early work in which you saw a plate on a table, or an object on the wall, and they looked stable, but were actually spinning incredibly slowly, or incredibly fast, and you couldn’t tell in either case? Or, more to the point, Tim Hawkinson’s early works in which he had rows of clockwork gears that turned very very fast, and then down the line, slower and slower, until at the end it approached the slowness that you’re dealing with?

PS: The spinning pieces by Ray touches on something we’re trying to avoid. We want you to know just how fast or just how slow the various parts are moving. The beauty of the Ray piece is that you can’t tell, fast, slow, stationary, they all look the same. I’m not familiar with the Hawkinson clockwork piece. I’ve see the clock pieces where he hides the mechanism and uses unlikely objects as the hands, such as the brass clasp on the back of a manila envelope or the tab of a coke can.

RP: Spin Sink (1 Rev./100 Years) (1995), in contrast, is a 24-foot-long row of interlocking gears, the smallest of which is driven by a whirring toy motor that in turn drives each consecutively larger and more slowly turning gear up to the largest of all, which rotates approximately once every one hundred years.

PS: I don’t know how I missed it, it’s gorgeous. Linking the speed that we can barely see with one that we rarely have the patience to wait for.

RP: : So you say you’ve opted for the clock’s time scale to be transparent. How will the clock communicate how fast it’s going?

PS: By placing the clock in a mountain we have a reference to long time. The stratigraphy provides us with the slowest metric. The clock is a middle point between millennia and seconds. Looking back 10,000 years we find the beginnings of civilization. Looking at an earthenware vessel from that era we imagine its use, the contents, the craftsman. The images painted or inscribed on the outside provide some insight into the lives and the languages of the distant past. Often these interpretations are flawed, biased or over-reaching. What I’m most enchanted by is that we continue to construct possible pasts around these objects, that our curiosity is overwhelming. We line up to see the treasures of Tut, or the remains of frozen ancestors. With the clock we are asking you to create possible futures, long futures, and with them the narratives that made them happen.

再生核研究所声明 424(2018.3.29):  レオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチとゼロ除算


ダ・ヴィンチの名言 格言|無こそ最も素晴らしい存在


分野で活躍し「万能の人(uomo universale:ウォモ・ウニヴェルサーレ)」と称えられる人物

そもそも西欧諸国が、アリストテレス以来、無や真空、ゼロを嫌い、ゼロの西欧諸国への導入は相当に遅れ、西欧へのアラビヤ数字の導入は レオナルド・フィボナッチ(1179年頃~1250年頃)によるとされているから、その遅れの大きさに驚かされる:


ローマ数字では「I, II, III, X, XV」のように文字を並べて記すため大きな数を扱うのには不便でした。対してアラビア数字はローマ数字に比べてとても分かりやすく、効率的で便利だったのです。そこでフィボナッチはアラビア数字を「算術の書」という書物にまとめ、母国に紹介しました。アラビア数字では0から9までの数字と位取り記数法が使われていますが、計算に使うにはとても便利だったために、ヨーロッパで広く受け入れられることになりました。(

historicalmathematicians.blogspot.com/2012/03/blog-post.html  02/03/2012 -)

ゼロや無に対する恐怖心、嫌疑観は現在でも欧米諸国の自然な心情と考えられる。ところが上記ダ・ヴィンチの言葉は 如何であろう。無について好ましいものとして真正面から捉えていることが分かる。ゼロ除算の研究をここ4年間して来て、驚嘆すべきこととして驚かされた。ゼロの意味、ゼロ除算の心を知っていたかのような言明である。

まず、上記で、無を、時間的に未来と過去の間に存在すると言っているので、無とはゼロのことであると解釈できる。ゼロとの捉え方は四則演算を考えているので、その解釈の適切性を述べている。足しても引いても変わらない。これはゼロの本質ではないか。さらに、凄いこと、掛けても割っても、ゼロと言っていると解釈でき、それはゼロ除算の最近の発見を意味している:  0/1 =1/0=0。- ゼロ除算を感覚的に捉えていたと解釈できる。ところが更に、凄いことを述べている。

この無は、全体に等しい部分、部分に等しい全体を持つ。これはゼロ除算の著書DIVISION BY ZERO CALCULUS(原案)に真正面から書いている我々の得た、達したゼロに対する認識そのものである:

{\bf Fruitful world}\index{fruitful world}


For example, in very and very general partial differential equations, if the coefficients or terms are zero, we have some simple differential equations and the extreme case is all the terms are zero; that is, we have trivial equations $0=0$; then its solution is zero. When we see the converse, we see that the zero world is a fruitful one and it means some vanishing world. Recall \index{Yamane phenomena}Yamane phenomena, the vanishing result is very simple zero, however, it is the result from some fruitful world. Sometimes, zero means void or nothing world, however, it will show some changes as in the Yamane phenomena.


{\bf From $0$ to $0$; $0$ means all and all are $0$}


As we see from our life figure, a story starts from the zero and ends to the zero. This will mean that $0$ means all and all are $0$, in a sense. The zero is a mother of all.


その意味は深い。我々はゼロの意味をいろいろと捉え考え、ゼロとはさらに 基準を表すとか、不可能性を示すとか、無限遠点の反映であるとか、ゼロの2重性とかを述べている。ゼロと無限の関係をも述べている。ダ・ヴィンチの鋭い世界観に対する境地に驚嘆している。

以 上

LESS THAN HUMAN 新しい「目」で、新しい「心」で、政令市新潟



Lucas Papademos: profile

Lucas Papademos, the man tipped to replace George Papandreou as the Greek Prime Minister, is a former vice president of the European Central Bank.

Mr Papademos, 65, is a widely respected figure in Greece, with a strong background in both academics and finance.

Educated at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in America during the 1970s, he holds a degree in physics, a masters in electrical engineering and a doctorate in economics.

A distinguished scholar who has published papers on macroeconomic theory and policy, Mr Papademos has held academic positions at Columbia University, Harvard University and the University of Athens.

He his best known in Greece, however, for his work as one of the country’s most senior economists.

After a stint at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, Mr Papademos joined the Bank of Greece as Chief Economist in 1985, rising to the position of Governor in 1994.


2011年 11月 11日 03:26 JST

[ローマ 10日 ロイター] イタリアのベルルスコーニ首相の後任として、国際的な知名度が高く市場の信認も厚いモンティ元欧州委員が急浮上している。最大与党「自由国民」の幹部は10日、同党が早期選挙もしくはモンティ元欧州委員主導による挙国一致政権樹立を協議していることを明らかにし、挙国一致政権の樹立検討を初めて表明した。









Mario Monti: profile of Super Mario


Mario Monti

President of Bocconi University.

Mario Monti is President of Bocconi University, Milan, and Honorary President of Bruegel, the European think tank he launched in 2005. He is also a member of the Reflection Group “Europe 2020-2030”, created by the European Council and chaired by Felipe González.

In October 2009, European Commission’s President José Manuel Barroso entrusted him with the mission of relaunching the single market. His report on A new strategy for the single market, presented on 10 May 2010, includes a map
of legislative proposals to boost Europe’s productivity and competitiveness.

As the EU-appointed coordinator for the electricity interconnection between France and Spain, he brokered an agreement between their two heads of government in June 2008. He was also a member of the Attali Committee on French economic growth, set up by President Sarkozy (2007-2008).

Professor Monti was for ten years a member of the European Commission, in charge of the Internal market, Financial services and Tax policy (1995-1999), then of Competition (1999-2004). In addition to tackling a number of high-profile cases (e.g. GE/Honeywell, Microsoft, the German Landesbanken), he introduced radical modernization reforms of EU antitrust and merger control and led, with the US authorities, the creation of the International Competition Network (ICN).

Born in Varese, Italy, in 1943, he graduated from Bocconi University and did graduate studies at Yale University. Prior to joining the European Commission, he had been professor of economics and rector at Bocconi.

People in Economics — Super Mario and the Temple of Learning

Jeremy Clift interviews Professor Mario Monti, the president
of Italy´s Bocconi University

“Jack Welch came face to face with his nemesis: a decorous, scholarly, eminently proper Italian named Mario Monti.”

T.R. Reid in “The United States of Europe: the New
Superpower and the End of American Supremacy.”

Mario Monti has something of the Harry Potter about him. Europe´s bespectacled former antitrust tsar, who tamed Microsoft and humbled the head of one of America´s biggest manufacturing corporations, has a gracious manner that masks an earnest zeal. Dubbed “Super Mario” by colleagues and the press, the neatly tailored Italian economics professor was transformed for many in Europe in 2001 into a hero for standing up to “Neutron” Jack Welch, the straight-talking chairman of U.S. conglomerate General Electric (GE). Monti, then Europe´s Competition Commissioner, torpedoed the proposed $42 billion merger between GE and Honeywell, two of America´s industrial titans, in a move that symbolized Europe´s growing regulatory and market power.

Now, the 62-year-old monetary economist, who admits to being “a bit of a shy guy,” is carving out a fresh sphere of influence as head of a new European think tank called Bruegel, named after the Flemish family of painters—although it is also an acronym for “The Brussels European and Global Economic Laboratory.” One of Pieter Bruegel the Elder´s most famous paintings is the Tower of Babel, but that is not what Monti had in mind when he proposed the name. “What strikes me very much is that what one sees in Bruegel´s paintings is the interaction among people and also those market scenes of Flanders in the 16th century. So I see him as fully attentive both to human interaction and as an observer of markets.”

The son of a banker, Monti grew up in the shadow of World W
ar II. Long an advocate of free markets and a unified Europe, he influenced a generation of European economists while holding a series of academic positions in Italy. The Yale-trained professor, who studied under James Tobin and is currently president of Bocconi University in Milan, has always been a bit of a maverick. During a period in the 1970s when Italy did not publish official money supply figures, Monti came out with his own quarterly estimates that became known as the “Monti M1” and the “Monti M2,” eventually prompting the publication of official numbers.

Said by the Economist to have a “formidable combination of charm, intelligence, and an ability to be polite even when he is being stubborn,” Monti held two high-profile jobs in the European Commission, first as Commissioner for the Internal Market, Financial Services, and Financial Integration during 1995 and then as Commissioner for Competition until late 2004, giving him a chance to put some of his economic theory into practice.

He says that he has “always loved politics, but always hated party politics,” leading him to turn down a series of offers of cabinet jobs in Rome. But he did not hesitate when he was offered the job at the European Commission because that was a way to be involved in politics without a party affiliation. He also believed that European integration was the key to modernizing both the Italian economy and many others in Europe. “So the idea of having some policy responsibility in the body which I saw as the engine of European integration was irresistible,” he says with a chuckle.

He has been called “politically tone-deaf” by Institutional Investor magazine. But this may be one of his greatest strengths as he has frequently defied political pressure. In 1999, he refused to bend after deciding that duty-free sales of alcohol and tobacco to tourists traveling within the European Union (EU) should be scrapped, standing up to intense lobbying by politicians and retailers for a reprieve for the popular tax break. “It is this independence that has commanded considerable respect from national competition authorities, lawyers, and business,” says Margaret Bloom, a visiting professor in the School of Law at King´s College, London, in an assessment published in Competition Policy International. “Commissioner Monti also maintained a very dignified approach in the face of heavy—and arguably, one-sided—press criticism of some decisions,” she adds.

Embarrassing reversals

It was his role as antitrust tsar that attracted the most attention. After a series of three embarrassing reversals at the hands of the courts, Monti introduced major changes in the way competition policy is enforced in the EU. Lawyer Nicholas Levy says that Monti surprised even his harshest critics. “His response to the trilogy of judgments defined his tenure as Commissioner, served as a catalyst for change, and formed the basis for his legacy,” says Levy, who is an expert on European merger regulation.

The three reversals took place in 2002 when the European Court of First Instance threw out rulings by the European Commission that banned Airtours, the British package holiday company, from taking over rival First Choice, and blocked the takeover of Legrand by its fellow French electricity company Schneider Electric. The court also overturned a ruling against Tetra Laval, the Swedish packaging maker, acquiring Sidel, the French plastics company. The judgments were a turning point for Monti, who had started out determined to expand and develop antitrust and competition rules within the EU. Having conceded that “our record in the merger area is less glorious after these court rulings,” Monti implemented a series of reforms that widened the test for anti-competitive behavior, made procedures more flexible and transparent, and established stronger internal policies. He promoted economic analysis in merger reviews, appointing the first chief economist under the Directorate-General for Competition (DG COMP) (see box). And he cracked down strongly on cartels and modernized EU competition law, introducing new regulations and hitting companies with big fines.

But his biggest test came with the proposed merger of General Electric and Honeywell. His ruling blocking the merger put him on a collision course with U.S. regulators who had already approved it, and subjected him to widespread criticism from U.S. politicians, media, and business leaders. Then U.S. Treasury Secretary Paul O´Neill called the decision “off the wall,” while some antitrust experts said it was based on faulty analysis.

In deciding to block the merger, the EU relied on two theories of competitive harm. First it found that the merger would strengthen GE´s already dominant position in the market for large jet engines. Second, it found that the merger would enable Honeywell, backed by financing from GE Capital, to gain a dominant position in the small engine, avionics, and non-avionics markets in which it competes.

The spat highlighted the possibly divergent views between the EU and the United States about the role of regulation and markets. “In the United States, we have much greater faith in markets than we do in regulators. Some commentators have suggested that, by contrast, the European Union comes from a more statist tradition that places greater confidence in the utility of government intervention in markets,” said Deborah Platt Majoras, the U.S. Deputy Assistant Attorney General in comments about the GE-Honeywell case.

Seeing competition through an economic lens

Monti is credited with strengthening the role of economic analysis in EU competition enforcement, a field mostly dominated by lawyers. In September 2003, he appointed Lars-Hendrik Röller, a former professor at Humboldt University in Berlin, as the first chief economist in the Competition Directorate. Economics can play a critical role in assessing, for example, whether a merger between two companies could result in greater efficiencies that would benefit consumers, or give the merged company such control of a market that consumers would ultimately lose.

Röller, an empirical economist, now has a team of 10 economists working for him. But critics imply that this is too few—after all, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission and the U.S. Department of Justice´s Antitrust Division have a combined staff of at least 100 economists working on antitrust. “Given that the EU and U.S. economies are of similar size and most significant mergers are noticed in both jurisdictions, the Chief Economist´s Office at DG COMP would appear to be rather understaffed,” commented David Evans and Carsten Grave in an article assessing the changing role of economics in competition policy under Monti (Evans and Grave, 2005).

For Welch, it tarnished his swan song. “It was never a personal battle between Commissioner Monti and myself,” he said in his autobiography. “He and I always had cordial dealings and our teams made many efforts to overcome our differences. Unfortunately, we were operating under a set of rules that allowed the Commission to function as both the opposing team and the umpire.”

Monti argues that GE-Honeywell is an exception that masks a large increase in transatlantic cooperation over the past five years. The EU was also heavily involved in setting up the International Competition Network, a forum for more than 80 competition agencies around the world. And although the EU and the U.S. Department of Justice took divergent paths on Microsoft, Monti says the differences are understandable. “We had consulted with great frequency and depth with our American colleagues. We have come to different conclusions, but that should not surprise too much,” he suggests, arguing that even different U.S. administrations had taken different approaches to the software giant. Accusing Microsoft of antitrust violations, the EU Commission last year fined the company a record $650 million and ordered it to unbundle its Window
s operating system from its media player. Microsoft is appealing.

In addition to making the EU what he calls “an engine for international cooperation on antitrust,” Monti is also proud that he helped secure a strong place for competition policy in the new European constitution. “There was a serious threat to the powers of the European Commission in the area of competition. There were ideas of setting up a separate competition agency. There was a serious attempt by many member states to dilute the EU´s and the Commission´s power in state aid control. I have spared no efforts to work with the members of the convention, and to lobby the constitutional process, so that competition would come out fully safeguarded. And, in fact, there has been even some enhancing of the position of competition in the new constitution,” Monti says.

Despite some accusations that the EU has used competition policy to buttress European competitors to American companies, Monti rejects this, saying that the “beauty of a serious enforcement of competition policy is that it´s blind to nationalities.” He points to a string of decisions that have blocked mergers within the EU—for example, Volvo-Scania and Schneider-Legrand. The European Commission also levied large fines to penalize illegal subsidies. Shortly before Monti stepped down, the Commission ordered seven German regional public banks to repay more than 3 billion euros in illegal subsidies they received from their regional governments in the 1990s. The ruling ended a decade-long battle between Germany´s cosseted Landesbanken and the EU´s executive arm that was seen as a major front in the Commission´s campaign to stamp out protectionism and build a single European market based on liberal economic values. “These decisions close a very long and painful dispute between private and public banks in Germany, thereby creating a level playing field in the sector,” said Monti.

Brainstorming for Europe

Although his term at the Commission has ended, Monti will continue to influence European policy through Bruegel, the new Brussels think tank, managed by reputed French economist Jean Pisani-Ferry, a professor at Université Paris-Dauphine and former executive president of the French Council of Economic Analysis. Bruegel will focus on the economic challenges and global responsibilities facing Europe in the context of globalization. It is backed by 20 European and international companies and 12 European governments. The board is chaired by Monti, who has experience in setting up two other economic institutes in Italy. The think tank will focus initially on three areas of research: macroeconomics and international finance; markets and regulation; and trade, migration, and development.

Bruegel plans to build relationships with other well-known institutes. Monti cites in particular the Institute for International Economics in Washington, where he is a member of the board of directors. “Fred Bergsten´s IIE is a highly-respected world model for any center doing work in international economics,” says Monti. Bruegel was established on the suggestion of French President Jacques Chirac and German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder who felt that Europe needed a fresh approach to such issues as trade, open markets, migration, and development. Some observers argue that the EU has been built on a grand vision, but after last year´s “big bang” enlargement to 25 members, it is in danger of becoming too inward-looking.

Bruegel´s focus will be on the EU´s potential role as a global player. One of Monti´s pet themes is that Europe is well-placed to shape the institutions of globalization because of its experience at the European level of building new institutions of governance and policy coordination. Europe´s experience with cross-border integration has given it unparalleled knowledge about how to manage the process of globalization. “Europe has achieved a type of globalization process, albeit only on a continental scale,” Monti states. Its input is essential, he argues, because otherwise globalization may face a backlash if it is driven “by one political superpower, and a small and declining (because of mergers) number of large multinational corporations.” The governance of globalization has to be multilateral and Europe should play an important role. “Of course, not in an antagonistic way vis-à-vis the United States, but in a context where the U.S. understands that it badly needs this contribution of Europe to make globalization more acceptable.”

At the same time, however, he notes that Europe badly needs more growth, productivity, and competitiveness or it will lack the requisite muscle and authority to play this global role. “That´s why I believe Europe, to help drive forward a governed globalization, alongside the United States in particular, has to become more like the U.S. in its own domestic economic structures, and this means, of course, more flexible markets and, well, the Lisbon agenda basically.”

The Lisbon agenda, agreed by the EU in 2000, is shorthand for a series of ambitious reforms designed to make the European Union “the most dynamic and competitive knowledge-based economy in the world” by 2010. But compared with the United States, the European economy in fact remains sluggish. Both the European Commission and IMF staff forecast growth in the euro zone this year at 1.6 percent, down from 2.0 percent in 2004 partly because of higher oil prices, with unemployment remaining high, at 8¾ percent of the workforce. U.S. GDP growth, in contrast, is projected by the IMF at 3.6 percent, with unemployment of 5¼ percent.

Monti believes that one way of making sure that Europe starts to improve its competitive position is by putting pressure on countries that fall short of delivering commitments on the Lisbon strategy. For Monti, publishing a list of laggards is one way of applying pressure. “My hope is that the periodic reports that the European Commission will now have to publish will bring about some degree of naming and shaming,” he asserts.

In other vital fields, however, Monti believes the EU has made spectacular progress. “Europe has achieved four fundamental transformations that have taken a lot of energy—the single market, the single currency, enlargement, and drafting the new constitution. Accomplishing this in just 10 years is an amazing achievement, which, of course, may well have damaged growth in the short term.”

Although Europe looks bad in comparison with the United States on growth, productivity, and competitiveness, he argues that the EU is actually in a better position now than it was to establish long-term growth. “Ten years ago, the U.S. had a single market, a single currency, a constitution, and its enlargement toward the west had taken place a long time ago. The EU did not; now it has all four things. And don´t forget that the brilliant U.S. performance rests to some extent on a couple of dangerous deficits.”

Even so, a critical issue remains: the ratification of the new European constitution. Monti believes that rejection of the proposed constitution would herald a period of fundamental uncertainty in Europe that could deter investment and undermine business confidence, as well as make it more difficult to streamline decision making.

Strong legacy

Monti argues that competition policy is a crucial part of this emerging new global governance infrastructure. His role in helping establish stronger links between global competition authorities is an important part of his legacy. Competition policy, he says, has to be enforced with equal vigor in relation to both business and governments. “That means an equal rigor and determination concerning cartels and abuses of dominance by companies, but also concerning controls on state aid to companies.”

How effective he was may be a little soon to judge. “Commissioner Monti´s tenure will be remembered as a period of controversy and change,” says Levy. The durability of his legacy “will be determined by his successors´ commitment to implementing the letter an
d spirit of the reforms instituted at his initiative.” William Kolasky, a U.S. lawyer who specializes in international antitrust issues, argues that Monti moved the EU closer to a U.S. model for competition policy. “Central to Commissioner Monti´s success in the implementation of [his] reforms—from the U.S. perspective at least—has been that he has fully embraced a consumer welfare standard for competition enforcement,” says Kolasky. But the EU remains too worried about mergers between conglomerates. “Greater faith should be placed in the competitive process rather than worrying about competitors who may be less efficient than the merged entity,” he argues.

Monti´s three roles as an economist—teacher, policymaker, and commentator—have given him a lot of inner satisfaction. Many of his students now occupy prominent positions in economics, and he achieved considerable influence as an economic commentator in the pages of the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera. But Monti admits that being Competition Commissioner gave him a thrill. “I cannot deny that being in charge of competition policy involves enormous tension because you have instruments to influence the real world there, but it´s a very, very challenging thing to do.”


Bloom, Margaret, 2005, “The Great Reformer: Mario Monti´s Legacy in Article 81 and Cartel Policy,” Competition Policy International, Vol. 1., No. 1 (Spring), pp. 55.

Evans, David S., and Carsten Grave, 2005, “The Changing Role of Economics in Competition Policy Decisions by the European Commission during the Monti Years,” Competition Policy International, Vol. 1., No. 1 (Spring), pp. 133.

Kolasky, William J., 2005, “Mario Monti´s Legacy: A U.S. Perspective,” Competition Policy International, Vol. 1., No. 1 (Spring), pp. 155.

Levy, Nicholas, 2005, “Mario Monti´s Legacy in EC Merger Control,” Competition Policy International, Vol. 1, No. 1 (Spring), pp. 99.

Monti, Mario, 2004, “A Reformed Competition Policy: Achievements and Challenges for the Future,” (Brussels: Center for European Reform).

Reid, T.R., 2004, The United States of Europe: the New Superpower and the End of American Supremacy (New York: The Penguin Press).

Welch, Jack, 2001, Jack: Straight from the Gut (New York: Warner Books, Inc.).



『小宇宙_acoustic version①』
『witch craft picturcs. EP②』
Dead Children
『春の日 桜闇盤⑨』
『Super Liar③』
『Imperial City③』
Develop One’s Faculties
『Fragments feat.丐 (KILLANETH)①』
『Meteoric Swarm⑧』


『2度目の絶望とSuicide ceremony③』
『Afraid To Be Cool/Raise Me Up④』


the god and death stars
『after the addle apple⑥』


[enver] brain




Lucifer’s underground


『Celestial Fragment③』


『The Strange Bloomer⑥』
Vall’na racill
『低能パレード(demo ver.)①』



『best tracks 2000-2005 [?lowns]⑩+⑮』




『Stardust Dream⑧』

Far East Dizain
Broken Human Nerve
『A fairy eight②』
Malice invitation
Orgy of Villains
gibkiy gibkiy gibkiy
『Less than EX-D&G⑤』
 『Less than Ⅳ⑤』
 『Rock is Culture 2016[GOOD LUCK_Rough/MIND CIRCUS_Rough/YUMENOHIYOKO_Rough](USB)③』

『Independence BLACK(21)』
『de NUDE/可愛いベイベー②』
Dear Loving
『eeny meeny miny moe①』
『Vincent-Dear Depression-①』
『the dark side of the monochrome③』

『BORN TO BE DEAD CODA 2015.10.9⑳+⑬』

『まほろしろくろほま~LOST WORLD ORDER/メルトリアム~③』
The Nostradamnz

『Fly High!!③』
『LAST EMOTION/唄響-うたごえ-②』
Despite from Greed
『Whodunit Howdunit Whydunit①』
『ポケットモンタージュ -遺伝子組換こども会ベスト-⑬』
『Dead Poem,I Scream.(配布CD)①』
『Absolute Providence(配布CD)①』

『-9- Unplugged ver./桜の涙 Unplugged ver.②』
『MALUS 会場限定盤⑤』
『サヨナラを待つ向日葵 D´n´B Mix①』
『iranaimono e.p.②』
『Innocent World①』

Kαin & ユナイト

『Another Side③』
『amazing [CRNGR] world⑤』
『「うそつき」Rerecording ver③』
Rides In ReVellion
『Rose/MIRAGE-toxical love story-②』
『Slave Heart①』

the god and death stars
『deep snow burned away③』
La’veil Mizeria × Misaruka
『La’veil Misaruka ~悲麗なる幻想死儀式~②』
横山 和俊 featuring aki. ryo. nigu
『ONI to ZAKURO -evil folk ver-①』


Shellmy x ザアザア

『「 」②』
『Melty Kiss①』
凛 -the end of corruption world-
『「the end of corruption world」⑬+⑫+①』
魅裟(from Insanity Injection)
Insanity Injection
『spoiled/蟻は血が重要である/形の無い 何よりも 愛したのは お前だけが④』

『Agitato GRIMOIRE③』

『狼煙 / Thank you for coming③』

『Sweet dreams again…⑥』
『best tracks 2006~2010 [vapor]⑭+⑭』

Psycho le Cemu

『cry baby①』
『My feeling made bloody①』

『Open Your Heart②』

『蛇であれ 尾を喰らえ⑮』
Insanity Injection

『May Fairy①』

『the resolution(2.0.3)①』
『A New BAD.④』
『Neo Style②』
『the Brittle fracture②』
『frosty CLOUD②』


『SUICIDAL MARKET~Doze of Hope~④』

『Float of R’lyeh⑲』
the Raid.
Acid Black Cherry
『2015 arena tour -L- LIVE CD⑯+⑤』
『故慟 -silence of the void-①』

『I-ai- The Collection 2011-2015⑬』

『World Tour 2015 -20th ANNIVERSARY BEST- JAPAN FINAL⑪+⑩』

『BLooD RaiN ~血塗られた景色~⑧』


『Melancholy box⑩』
『Best Tracks 2011-2015 [Beast]⑫+⑪』

『Dear Liar③』
『Silent Night,bloody Night②』
『Das Ende②』
『Dance with the pain①』
『La mer Morte①』
『La mer Morte -Chante avec KALM-①』
『Cocytus-Obscure MIX-①』
Rides In ReVellion
Anli Pollicino

『Unreal World③』
Scarlet Valse
『La neige③』
『advanture 0②

『Death and Reverse -死ト再生ー④』


『We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together②』
Develop One’s Faculties
The 3rd Birthday
『Nameless song (アコースティックVer.)①』

『Sign DEMO ver.①』
『影と影 DEMO ver.①』
Femme Fatale
『OUSIA -dispersed-⑩』
『20120225 at AKASAKA BLITZ Live 2012 You & Me⑭』
『Red or Maryam⑦』

『Fences EP②』
『Latency Sorrow -demo version-①』
『under the cell①』
『チェシャ -Acoustic Version-①』
『[Psychologic junkie]①』

『Beginning Of Darkness①』

Plastic Tree
『Refrain / 心灯 -こころび-⑤』


『残り香-acoustic version-①』
『in secret①』
『Recollection of Glint⑨』
『Cafe NOIR 2011.1-12 at SARAVAH TOKYO⑤』
『white/Regret Love③』
Purple Stone

Mix Speaker’s,Inc.
『Hello Ghost House⑤』
『Corpse Carnival⑨』

『TEAR-live ver.-①』
『Marry me,’cause I hate U③』


最上川 司
『Unknown Story⑥』
『My name is⑩』


『emotional and rec the heart⑥』

『Last Dance①』
Femme Fatale
『Wonder Trip③』

Devil Kitty



『Secret No.03③』
『Heads up!③』

Develop One’s Faculties
Far East Dizain
『I’m a Human Just Like You①』
Dear Loving
『Shiny Days(会場限定CD)①』
『Shiny Days(再発)③』
Shelly~Jazz Rock Children~

『Psycho Experience②』
Ai Sick Face
『静かに目を閉じて/Brand New Girl②』

Яisk un logic
Metis Gretel


Discrimination depending on sex (or gender) can be really a standard civil rights breach which carries lots of types, for example, sexual harassment, pregnancy discrimination, and unequal pay for females that do exactly the very same occupations as adult men. Regrettably, most U.S. females are all too acquainted on account of each one of those inequalities. This department provides comprehensive details about criminal sex and gender discrimination in many of preferences, for example, education and employment also provide connections to vital national legislation along with U.S. Supreme Court selections associated with sex and sex discrimination. Sex discrimination legislation additionally guards the legal rights of transgender folks. Examine the content below to know how to spot and defend you towards gender-based discrimination.

1. What’s gender or sex discrimination?

Gender or is managing folks differently inside their occupation especially since somebody is just a female or even a guy. When you’ve been refused for the job, fired, or otherwise hurt in occupation on account of one’s gender or sex, you might have endured intercourse or sex discrimination.

In the regular language in addition to from regulations, the phrases “sex” and “gender” can be used interchangeably; however, the 2 phrases have various significance. Social researchers use the definition of “gender” to make reference to somebody’s anatomical or biological individuality as female or male whilst booking the definition of “sex” for its group of faculties which are culturally related to maleness or femaleness. Discrimination is usually illegal aside from if it’s founded in gender, or sex, or both gender and sex.

Below Are Some cases of how possibly false sex/gender offenses which girls, Say, could confront:

  • Hiring/Firing/Promotions: You put in an application to get a project where you’ve encounter and superior credentials, nevertheless, you aren’t hired as a number of their provider’s long time customers are somewhat more comfortable coping with adult men; you might be told which you’re let go because of business cutbacks and reorganization, whereas men at an identical occupation and with significantly less seniority than you maintain their tasks; you still have functioned to get the companion for many decades, obtaining exceptional reviews and also an employee-of-the-year award, nevertheless every one of those five instances that you have employed for promotions, and the most rankings you’ve employed to get ‘ are alternatively full of not as qualified persons.
  • Purchase: You worked your way upward from your job of cook assistant to some chef. A man chef who has similar work and training experience has been recently secured, and now also you realize which he is going to likely be paid longer than you personally; you’re premier salesperson for the organization, however, will be transferred to your less desired land as a guy with substantially lower earnings is awarded that your land and clientele, allowing him to create a great deal more in commissions than you are likely to make for many decades.
  • Task Classification: You just work on an organization for 3 decades and devote lots of hours of overtime. When you return from using a kid, you notify your company which you won’t have the capability to install as much time of overtime. Your standing is subsequently shifted to some reduced degree and also you get less cover, whereas men colleagues in identical places have been permitted to cutback their overtime hours to get personal factors with no alterations with your own pay or positions of.
  • Gains: Your institution’s medical insurance policy doesn’t ensure your better half as it’s supposed that he can possess their or her own advantages, whilst your man colleagues have their own wives insured by this coverage. As your partner is amongst tasks, you’ve got to cover greater health advantages due to his benefit that your colleagues tend not to cover your own wives.
  • In case one or more of these matters happen for you around the project, you may possibly have endured intercourse or sex discrimination. Gender or could possibly be followed closely with additional types of prohibited offenses too, for example, age, race, or handicap discrimination. Childbirth discrimination and sexual harassment can be likewise known as sorts of gender discrimination under regulations.

2. Which national law ensures gender or sex discrimination?

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is a national law which protects people from discrimination according to gender. This regulation would make it unlawful for a company to discriminate against folks from selecting, firing, and other terms and terms of labor, like promotions, increases, and also other project chances as a result of the gender.

The legislation of the majority of countries also ensures it is unlawful to discriminate on the grounds of gender.

The U.S. is publishing brand new gender discrimination legislation which upgrades that the section’s interpretation of Executive Order 11246. The concluding principle upgrades OFCCP’s gender discrimination legislation which makes them more in keeping with all the present legislation. Specific protections towards reimbursement offenses, sexually aggressive work environment, discrimination based upon pregnancy, childbirth, or related health problems, and discrimination contrary to criminal sex events, sex equality, along with trans gender status are all created inside the new rule. This brand new guideline farther afield Department 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. And also the Viet Nam Era Veterans’ Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974. These laws and regulations allow it to be illegal to builders and subcontractors doing organizations with all the national govt to discriminate in employment as a result of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identification, national origin, handicap, or status for a veteran. Not only that, they are banned from discriminating predicated around the disclosure or conversation of reimbursement with different personnel. This principle can come in a coming version of this Federal Register. Please wait to see out when the ultimate rule was released so if it will become a legislation.

3. Who is covered with the regulation?

Name VII addresses all personal companies, local and state authorities, and academic establishments which employ 15 or more folks. These regulations also cover private and public employment agencies, labor associations, and joint labor-management committees controlling apprenticeship and education.

A lot of countries also ensure it is unlawful to discriminate on the grounds of gender. For additional details, you should visit our site to the number of workers required to submit a claim beneath a state legislation.

Regulations’ protections affect both recent personnel and project candidates. If you’re a present employee and also are terminated, not encouraged, or never accommodated owing for your gender or sex, you’re guarded. In the event that you aren’t hired because of your gender or sex, you’re additionally shielded.

4. Could a company cover less due to sex?

No. Each Title VII and the Equal Pay Act (EPA) allow it to be unlawful to discriminate on the grounds of gender in the cost of salary or gains. The legislation from discrimination from reimbursement include all kinds of reimbursement, which includes wages, overtime pay, bonuses, stock choices, profit sharing and incentive programs, life insurance policy, holiday and vacation cover, gas or cleaning allowances, lodge lodging, compensation for traveling expenditures, and positive aspects.

The EPA needs that people receive
equal pay for equivalent work at an identical institution. The tasks do not have to be similar; however, they ought to be substantially identical. It’s this information about this project, perhaps not occupation names, which determines whether or not jobs are substantially identical. Not like the EPA, Title VII doesn’t necessitate that the duty of the individual asserting offenses become considerably equivalent to the of an increased paid man of their other gender, nor will Title VII necessitate the individual asserting discrimination to do the job at an identical establishment whilst the better paid out human being. But, Title VII, not like the EPA, calls for evidence of intent to discriminate on the grounds of gender, whereas the EPA doesn’t want evidence of discriminatory purpose.

Underneath the EPA, companies are banned from having to pay unequal wages to people who work tasks which require substantially equivalent skill, effort, and duty, and which are performed under similar operating conditions in an identical institution. The legislation defines those conditions as follows:

  • Talent: quantified by components like the ability, skill, instruction, and coaching essential to do the career. The crucial challenge is that which knowledge is expected for that project, perhaps not exactly what capabilities the average person employees could have.
  • Attempt: that the quantity of psychological or physical exertion required to successfully do the career.
  • Liability: that the level of liability needed in doing the occupation.
  • doing work states: encircles two facets: (1) bodily surroundings including fever, fumes, and venting, and (two) dangers.

Be Aware that:

  • Employers mayn’t reduce wages of either sex to equalize pay between women and men.
  • A breach of this EPA might occur where an individual wage is or has been paid into some man or woman who functioned at an identical occupation before or immediately after a member of the staff of the other gender.

Even though you can find a number of variances between Title VII and the Equal Pay Act, the national legislation has been enforced with all precisely the exact same administrative bureau, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).

5. Might it be prohibited to provide various advantages to female and male staff members?

Certainly. As mentioned previously mentioned, even though gaps in between the genders might come in various benefit prices to an employer, then it’s contrary to regulations to get a company to discriminate amongst women and men with respect to positive aspects.

Employers ‘ are likewise not permitted to state benefits readily available to personnel as well as their partners and households on perhaps the worker is currently your “mind of their home'” or even “main wage earner” from the household unit as this status occupies no connection to project efficiency and discriminatorily impacts the legal rights of females personnel.

A company can’t make gains readily available:

  • Those wives and households of man workers in which precisely the Very Same advantages Aren’t made readily available for its husbands and households of both feminine workers;
  • Those girlfriends of male workers Which Aren’t made accessible for feminine workers; or
  • For those husbands of female personnel that isn’t made designed for male staff members.

It’s also unlawful to get an employer to own a retirement or retirement program that establishes different optional or mandatory retirement ages based on gender, or that succeeds in advantages on the grounds of gender.

6. Could a company take care of women in another way since they’re or possess been expecting?

No. Maternity discrimination also characterized as offenses on the grounds of pregnancy, childbirth, and associated states are prohibited under Title VII. Back in 1978, Congress passed the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) amending Title VII to describe that discrimination based on being pregnant can be a kind of gender discrimination.

Below regulations, being pregnant is regarded as a nonpermanent handicap, because can be related health ailments like acute morning vomiting, doctor-ordered bed rest, childbirth, recovery from childbirth, and also some other other related medical illness. Title VII prohibits employers from damaging expectant mothers otherwise in additional temporarily ill, and sick or handicapped workers. Employers need to, hence, grant senior staff members and briefly physically tainted new moms the exact same therapy and gains that they supply to employees along with additional disabilities that are temporary.

7. Could a company take care of employees in different ways due to married or unmarried?

Marital status discrimination isn’t illegal from the national legislation generally related to personal labor, that prohibits discrimination according to race and color, gender, religion, national origin, age, and handicap. But, various nations have legislation which makes it unlawful to discriminate on the grounds of marital status.

But, marital status discrimination along with sex/gender discrimination may frequently ensue. If, as an instance, like a married female you’re refused for a place between regular overnight excursions with man colleagues as it’s supposed that the husband might be covetous, and also the location can be obtained to some wed person, the situation could possibly be sex/gender discrimination rather than marital status offenses. It’s unlawful for the company to earn assumptions based on sex issues, even though those premises have been prompted simply by your marital position.

sexual harassment1

8. Could a company treat staff otherwise since they will have children or need to look after a relative?

Parental standing discrimination isn’t illegal from the national legislation generally related to personal labor, that prohibits discrimination according to race and color, gender, religion, national origin, age, and handicap. But, various nations have legislation which makes it unlawful to discriminate on the grounds of civic standing.

But, governmental position discrimination along with sex/gender discrimination may frequently ensue. When a lady with small kids, as an instance, is refused to get a place involving repeated vacation and overtime job as it’s supposed that she needs to or might require to devote some time together with your own children, and also the location is given into a person who with kids, the situation could possibly be sex/gender discrimination rather than parental standing offenses. It’s unlawful for the company to earn assumptions based on sex issues, even though those premises have been prompted simply from your civic standing.

In case you want to depart from job to take care of a kid or perhaps a sick baby or relative, you might even be shielded from the family members & Medical Leave Act (FMLA).

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9. What is the distinction between gender discrimination and sexual harassment?

can be a type of gender discrimination which violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Even though Title VII doesn’t specifically make use of the language “sexual harassment,” courts have held that sexual harassment can be a form of prohibited sexual discrimination. As the legislation of several countries namely makes use of the language “sexual harassment,” some other nations have adopted the lawful improvem
ents under national legislation by discovering that sexual harassment can be a sort of prohibited gender discrimination.

Unwanted sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other physical or verbal behavior of a sexual character are all typical kinds of sexual harassment when submission to or rejection of the conduct explicitly or implicitly affects a person’s employment, unreasonably interferes with the person’s job performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work atmosphere. To Find out More,

As famous all through this particular page, you’ll find different styles of discrimination on the grounds of gender which isn’t sexual harassment, for example as discrimination in hiring, firing, promotions or advantages, cover pensions, and sex stereotyping. Additionally, it’s likely to own prohibited, sex-based harassment which isn’t of the sensual character, sometimes named gender-based harassment. A good instance of this is a manager who creates ordinary derogatory opinions about ladies and always relates to female personnel because “ladies” or even “bitches.”

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10. Is gender ever a eligibility for some project?

Just in rather limited conditions. Title VII creates an exclusion for banning gender discrimination if gender is a crucial area of the certain project — also called the lawful expression “bonafide occupational qualification” or even BFOQ. As an instance, in case a business requires a celebrity to engage in with a lady character or even perhaps a “wet nurse, then” then staying a lady can be actually a BFOQ for many places.

The BFOQ exclusion compared to gender was interpreted quite significantly. Jobs which are believed “men’s tasks” or even “women’s tasks” often unnecessarily reject job chances to a gender or one other. Accordingly, in the next scenarios, the BFOQ theory Isn’t Going to employ:

  • The refusal to employ a girl due to her intercourse centered on premises about their relative work characteristics of ladies generally. By way of instance, the premise that the mortality rate of girls is more than one of adult men.
  • The refusal to seek the services of a person based on stereotyped characterizations of those genders. Individuals ought to be contemplated on the grounds of human abilities rather than to the grounds of some other qualities generally credited to this category. Such events comprise, as an instance, that males are far somewhat less effective of building complicated gear, or that females are somewhat less competent at competitive salesmanship.
  • The refusal to seek the services of a person on account of the tastes of colleagues, the company, customers or clients except at which it’s essential with the goal of authenticity or genuineness, like hiring a celebrity or celebrity.

11. My corporation offers a positive action program. How does this influence me how?

Affirmative action targets and timetables are goals such as equality, both parity along with also a flat playing area. Such intentions such as productivity or profits, they both indicate and quantify advancement, but usually, do not hold valid penalties. Quotas are prohibited unless of course court-ordered to end discrimination. Your business’s affirmative action program could be voluntary or could be necessary bylaw when your organization has contracted by national, local or state authorities.

The sole Supreme Court case coping having an optimistic activity for ladies realized that tests which had been supposedly merit-based could still signify biases. Even the justices maintained a positive action program that encouraged a lady above a person with all the marginally greater rating. The scores under consideration were centered on interviews using a group of people, certainly one of whom predicted the lady “that a rabble-rousing skirt.”

A lot of the resistance to positive actions is styled to the lands of so-called “reverse discrimination along with unwarranted tastes.” But significantly less than two percent of those 91,000 work discrimination cases pending prior to the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission are inverse discrimination instances. Under regulations as composed in govt Orders and translated from the courts, anybody profiting from positive action has to possess an applicable and legal occupation or instructional skills.

In the event that you’re a lady in an organization by having a positive action program, the master plan can help eradicate a few of the limitations to progress ladies have confronted and may possibly have confronted doing work to get the own employer. You also might want to get help from your business’s human resource office or even your own employees guide to understand more regarding the way the master plan will help you along with other feminine personnel.


12. Could a company create employees put on a gown or female clothes?

Within a crucial U.S. Supreme Court situation called Price Waterhouse, the Court ruled that discrimination according to sex stereotyping is prohibited gender discrimination under Title VII. At Price Waterhouse, the company postponed a lady worker’s promotion, in part predicated on test remarks describing her as “macho” and telling her to choose a path at charm school.” This female was dealt with in a different way due to her sex, also mainly because she looked also “male.” For that reason, a lady employee who’s discriminated against as she wears trousers or alternative gender-neutral outfits could find a way to assert that she confronted discrimination according to sex stereotypes or ideas of attire that is appropriate for ladies.

Most companies have apparel codes or otherwise count on their workers to groom in line with their own habits of their livelihood. No Thing at the Cost Waterhouse instance prevents a company by requesting that equally female and male employees gown professionally. As an instance, an employer that involves its workers to use neckties at constantly and its own female staff members to dress in skirts or dresses will perhaps not probably be discovered to have broken regulations, as judges have previously enabled companies to require staff to don “suited” organization apparel, also if the expectations for what’s deemed acceptable vary from gender. But, California has given a particular law which makes it unlawful for companies to avoid an employee from putting on trousers due to gender.

A company that requires staff members to dress in dresses that will vary for men and women isn’t doing discriminatory clinics provided that the pajamas for both men and girls are equally “appropriate” As an instance, females can’t be made to put on shorts or sexually showing pajamas if guys aren’t essential to achieve that.

13. Are weight, weight lifting or even lifting necessities lawful?

This is different. The overall theory is that what’s needed needs to be crucial for its secure and productive operation of job-related activities due to the fact such conditions have a tendency to disproportionately disadvantage females and associates of several racial and cultural classes.

Stats demonstrate that minimal elevation conditions negatively affect girls, in addition to members of several racial and cultural groups as those classes, generally are briefer compared to members or men of different races or national sources. A company, consequently, has to demonstrate that the demand is essential for your secure and productive operation of job-related responsibilities so as to warrant the absolute minimum peak need. When there exists really a much less restrictive means to do precisely the exact same goal besid
es the usual minimum elevation requirement, companies will probably have to utilize that alternate to prevent accountability for offenses.

As an instance, if your restaurant needed a minimal height demand such as servers, even presuming that briefer people ordinarily are not able to hold the compulsory burden to a menu, a much less restrictive choice might possibly be the prerequisite that most servers have to have the ability to execute a record of minimal total of burden onto a menu. Clearly, even should your cafe or some other firm executed a minimum lifting or strength condition, this condition additionally shouldn’t need no small adverse impact in the protected category of folks unless demanded to get its secure and effective operation of job-related activities.

Bodyweight conditions could possibly be regarded as simply because they frequently have a negative effect on specified types of folks. Besides issues with discrimination on the grounds of gender or national source, bodyweight conditions may also represent discrimination on the grounds of handicap. Even though weight-based handicap states have generally neglected underneath the national government regulation, that the Americans with Disabilities Act, they’ve occasionally succeeded below regulations underneath certain countries that either specify handicap otherwise or especially allow it to be unlawful to discriminate on the grounds of burden or private look. In addition, it’s hard to warrant weight conditions since job-related in the event the aim of the condition is situated chiefly on physical appearance instead of the power to do a particularly arduous job.

14. Can my company need to let me breastfeed at work?

As a growing multitude of new moms come back to function shortly or over three weeks later having a baby, breastfeeding is getting an even more prevalent workplace difficulty. Employers today encounter this sort of technical and legal dilemmas since supplying nursing girls by having a suitable destination for a pump and store breastfeeding while in work; awarding private go away, varied programs, or modified project obligations to workers who snore; and even managing the societal acceptability of breastfeeding or expressing milk over the office.

Federal regulation will not immediately deal with the legality of breastfeeding at work or expressly protect breastfeeding moms. Many nations, but have passed legislation possibly to allow it to be prohibited to discriminate towards girls who snore or to expressly call for that companies adapt breastfeeding moms on the job by supplying sufficient services for breastfeeding or expressing milk.

Even though there’s absolutely not any legal security on a nation impacting your own employment, you may possibly well be ready to invite your organization to willingly stop discrimination contrary to mothers that snore or to instruct the others on your own office to aid in improving your job position. As stated by the La Leche League, research suggests that females who are still overeating after returning to work overlook much less time at work due of baby-related disorders and possess briefer absences whenever they perform miss to do the job, in contrast with all females who really do not sag. To Find out More,

15. What exactly does the definition of glass-ceiling; mean?

The word “glass ceiling” identifies an artificial obstruction predicated on approaches or prejudice which stops qualified ladies by progressing into overburdened and senior-level direction rankings. To put it differently, ladies can progress so much, but reach an invisible barrier and also certainly will progress no further. In the event you believe that you’ve been discriminated against based mostly on the “glass ceiling” in your corporation, you can make a claim under Title VII or local or state anti-discrimination legislation.

Firms may and ought to take a few or most of these ways to get rid of the glass ceiling out of these own companies.


  • Be sure that non-discriminatory clinics and prerequisites are all used.
  • Assess abstract or impartial requirements to guarantee that they don’t own a disproportionate effect on females.
  • Setup job diversity software programs to expel pitfalls and generate a workplace in which all staff members feel comfy.
  • make certain to seek the services of employees predicated on authentic credentials, never stereotypical thoughts of an applicant’s credentials.


  • keep an eye on and also confirm the evolution of feminine staff members.
  • set up training and network programs that will help educate and train staff members of chances such as marketing.
  • demand all occupation postings to express advertising standards and confirm the company’s devotion to variety in direction.

16. What’s the gap between gender discrimination and sex identity discrimination?

The expression “sex identification” identifies the self-identification for a guy or even a lady, rather than the anatomical sex at birth. Ordinarily, one’s sex identity meets the real gender: men born with all the bodily traits of men usually discover as males and people that have physiological faculties of ladies determine as men. But for several individuals, sex identity doesn’t necessarily align with the real-life gender. So, for transsexual men and women, sex individuality and real sex aren’t in the arrangement. Somebody born man might possess a sturdy internal self-image along with self-identification for a lady, or even somebody born feminine can possess a solid internal self-image along with self-identification for a guy. Many transsexual men and women seek hospital care at the shape of hormone treatment or surgical procedure to adjust their sexual intercourse to consent together with their sex identification. The definition of “transgender” can be an umbrella word to spell out anybody who’s in a couple of manners will not adapt into gendered stereotypes of sex individuality and/or sex saying. Transgendered men and women are able to face severe discrimination at work, broadly speaking as a result of failing to adapt to conventional sex stereotypes or sex roles. A very good instance of the will be Caitlyn Jenner. Formerly called Bruce Jenner, a retired Olympic Athlete, ” Caitlyn not too long ago came out of her inside self-identification for being a lady, that awakens with her anatomical bodily aspects of the man-made.

Right up until lately, national and state courts have uniformly held that transsexual men and women aren’t shielded under Title VII (of the Civil Rights Act), regulations which produce gender offenses prohibited, on the grounds which Congress didn’t plan when departure the law to its duration “gender” to shield transsexuals. Nevertheless, in certain more modern court decisions, judges have reasoned that transsexual individuals are protected from discrimination under Title VII as well as also other gender offenses statutes, predicated upon a much more modern U.S. Supreme Court circumstance that believes discrimination predicated on sex stereotyping to become gender discrimination that is prohibited under Title VII. Regulations continue to be growing within this region, however, predicated on latest trends it’s very likely that a lot more national and state courts will see that discrimination on the grounds of sex equality is still a breach of now existing gender discrimination legislation. For further info about

17. Who enforces regulations?

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) may be the Bureau of the national government accountable for investigating charges of job discrimination linked to gender discrimination in offices of 1-5 or more personnel. The majority of states have their particular agencies which apply state leg
islation from discrimination.

18. Which will be the cures offered for me personally?

An attorney for sexual discrimination may recuperate treatments to comprise:

  • rear cover
  • Employing
  • marketing
  • Reinstatement
  • Entrance cover
  • compensatory damages (psychological pain and distress)
  • punitive damages (damages to punish the company)
  • Different activities which can create a person “whole” (from the state They would have been except for the discrimination)

Solutions also may Consist of payment of:

  • lawyers’ charges
  • specialist witness charges
  • courtroom expenses.

A could be asked to create notices to all employees addressing the violations of the particular charge and advising them of the right to become without any discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. If needed, these visits have to be available to individuals using visual or other disabilities which affect reading.

The organization may also have to undergo corrective or preventative steps with respect to this foundation of the discrimination and also limit the likelihood that it can come about yet again, in addition, to discontinue the specific discriminatory practices involved from this situation.

For gender discrimination should be prohibited, it needs to entail distinct treatment which adversely influences the “conditions or terms of work.” “Conditions or terms of work” consist of matters such as your job position (becoming employed or terminated); your own occupation standing or obligations; your own job calendar, alter, or occupation position; your own cover salary or rate; and progress and coaching possibilities. 


It no less gets the visual information from the camera than human beings see with the eyes.
It no less gets the visual information from the camera than human beings see with the eyes.
We human beings no less make mistakes than we breathe.
Fetal rights no less tend to be ignored than the human rights of the dead do.


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