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そう、人気ブランド、『Less than human』の意味です。


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あなたが創った場所もきっと誰かの思い出のLESS THAN HUMANになる。


Geplaatst op 29 maart 2018 door Redactie

De as van de wereldberoemde Britse wetenschapper Stephen Hawking wordt bijgezet in de Westminster Abbey in Londen.

Zijn resten komen zo vlak bij die van Isaac Newton en Charles Darwin te liggen. Dat meldt de BBC.

In Westminster Abbey liggen met Newton en Darwin een aantal van de grootste Britse wetenschappers begraven. Newton ontdekte de zwaartekracht en Darwin bedacht de evolutietheorie. De laatste keer dat er een wetenschapper werd bijgezet in de kerk was in 1940. Het ging toen om Joseph John Thompson, de ontdekker van elektronen.

Westminster Abbey was van de zestiende tot de negentiende eeuw een van de belangrijkste wetenschapscentra in het land. De kerk heeft ook een koninklijke status. Sinds 1066 worden de Engelse koningen daar gekroond en die trouwen er doorgaans ook. In mei trouwen Prins Harry en zijn verloofde Meghan Markle ook in de kerk.

De uitvaartplechtigheid van Stephen Hawking vindt zaterdag 31 maart 2018 in besloten kring plaatst in een kerk van de universiteit van Cambridge. De natuurkundige woonde en werkte meer dan vijftig jaar lang in de Engelse stad. Professor Hawking overleed 14 maart op 76-jarige leeftijd.


Bericht geplaatst in: 



The null set is conceptually similar to the role of the number “zero” as it is used in quantum field theory. In quantum field theory, one can take the empty set, the vacuum, and generate all possible physical configurations of the Universe being modelled by acting on it with creation operators, and one can similarly change from one thing to another by applying mixtures of creation and anihillation operators to suitably filled or empty states. The anihillation operator applied to the vacuum, however, yields zero.

Zero in this case is the null set – it stands, quite literally, for no physical state in the Universe. The important point is that it is not possible to act on zero with a creation operator to create something; creation operators only act on the vacuum which is empty but not zero. Physicists are consequently fairly comfortable with the existence of operations that result in “nothing” and don’t even require that those operations be contradictions, only operationally non-invertible.

It is also far from unknown in mathematics. When considering the set of all real numbers as quantities and the operations of ordinary arithmetic, the “empty set” is algebraically the number zero (absence of any quantity, positive or negative). However, when one performs a division operation algebraically, one has to be careful to exclude division by zero from the set of permitted operations! The result of division by zero isn’t zero, it is “not a number” or “undefined” and is not in the Universe of real numbers.

Just as one can easily “prove” that 1 = 2 if one does algebra on this set of numbers as if one can divide by zero legitimately3.34, so in logic one gets into trouble if one assumes that the set of all things that are in no set including the empty set is a set within the algebra, if one tries to form the set of all sets that do not include themselves, if one asserts a Universal Set of Men exists containing a set of men wherein a male barber shaves all men that do not shave themselves3.35.

It is not – it is the null set, not the empty set, as there can be no male barbers in a non-empty set of men (containing at least one barber) that shave all men in that set that do not shave themselves at a deeper level than a mere empty list. It is not an empty set that could be filled by some algebraic operation performed on Real Male Barbers Presumed to Need Shaving in trial Universes of Unshaven Males as you can very easily see by considering any particular barber, perhaps one named “Socrates”, in any particular Universe of Men to see if any of the sets of that Universe fit this predicate criterion with Socrates as the barber. Take the empty set (no men at all). Well then there are no barbers, including Socrates, so this cannot be the set we are trying to specify as it clearly must contain at least one barber and we’ve agreed to call its relevant barber Socrates. (and if it contains more than one, the rest of them are out of work at the moment).

Suppose a trial set contains Socrates alone. In the classical rendition we ask, does he shave himself? If we answer “no”, then he is a member of this class of men who do not shave themselves and therefore must shave himself. Oops. Well, fine, he must shave himself. However, if he does shave himself, according to the rules he can only shave men who don’t shave themselves and so he doesn’t shave himself. Oops again. Paradox. When we try to apply the rule to a potential Socrates to generate the set, we get into trouble, as we cannot decide whether or not Socrates should shave himself.

Note that there is no problem at all in the existential set theory being proposed. In that set theory either Socrates must shave himself as All Men Must Be Shaven and he’s the only man around. Or perhaps he has a beard, and all men do not in fact need shaving. Either way the set with just Socrates does not contain a barber that shaves all men because Socrates either shaves himself or he doesn’t, so we shrug and continue searching for a set that satisfies our description pulled from an actual Universe of males including barbers. We immediately discover that adding more men doesn’t matter. As long as those men, barbers or not, either shave themselves or Socrates shaves them they are consistent with our set description (although in many possible sets we find that hey, other barbers exist and shave other men who do not shave themselves), but in no case can Socrates (as our proposed single barber that shaves all men that do not shave themselves) be such a barber because he either shaves himself (violating the rule) or he doesn’t (violating the rule). Instead of concluding that there is a paradox, we observe that the criterion simply doesn’t describe any subset of any possible Universal Set of Men with no barbers, including the empty set with no men at all, or any subset that contains at least Socrates for any possible permutation of shaving patterns including ones that leave at least some men unshaven altogether.

 I understand your note as if you are saying the limit is infinity but nothing is equal to infinity, but you concluded corretly infinity is undefined. Your example of getting the denominator smaller and smalser the result of the division is a very large number that approches infinity. This is the intuitive mathematical argument that plunged philosophy into mathematics. at that level abstraction mathematics, as well as phyisics become the realm of philosophi. The notion of infinity is more a philosopy question than it is mathamatical. The reason we cannot devide by zero is simply axiomatic as Plato pointed out. The underlying reason for the axiom is because sero is nothing and deviding something by nothing is undefined. That axiom agrees with the notion of limit infinity, i.e. undefined. There are more phiplosphy books and thoughts about infinity in philosophy books than than there are discussions on infinity in math books.


An Early Reference to Division by Zero C. B. Boyer


Lea esta bitácora en español
There is a mathematical concept that says that division by zero has no meaning, or is an undefined expression, because it is impossible to have a real number that could be multiplied by zero in order to obtain another number different from zero.
While this mathematical concept has been held as true for centuries, when it comes to the human level the present situation in global societies has, for a very long time, been contradicting it. It is true that we don’t all live in a mathematical world or with mathematical concepts in our heads all the time. However, we cannot deny that societies around the globe are trying to disprove this simple mathematical concept: that division by zero is an impossible equation to solve.
Yes! We are all being divided by zero tolerance, zero acceptance, zero love, zero compassion, zero willingness to learn more about the other and to find intelligent and fulfilling ways to adapt to new ideas, concepts, ways of doing things, people and cultures. We are allowing these ‘zero denominators’ to run our equations, our lives, our souls.
Each and every single day we get more divided and distanced from other people who are different from us. We let misinformation and biased concepts divide us, and we buy into these aberrant concepts in such a way, that we get swept into this division by zero without checking our consciences first.
I believe, however, that if we change the zeros in any of the “divisions by zero” that are running our lives, we will actually be able to solve the non-mathematical concept of this equation: the human concept.
>I believe deep down that we all have a heart, a conscience, a brain to think with, and, above all, an immense desire to learn and evolve. And thanks to all these positive things that we do have within, I also believe that we can use them to learn how to solve our “division by zero” mathematical impossibility at the human level. I am convinced that the key is open communication and an open heart. Nothing more, nothing less.
Are we scared of, or do we feel baffled by the way another person from another culture or country looks in comparison to us? Are we bothered by how people from other cultures dress, eat, talk, walk, worship, think, etc.? Is this fear or bafflement so big that we much rather reject people and all the richness they bring within?
How about if instead of rejecting or retreating from that person—division of our humanity by zero tolerance or zero acceptance—we decided to give them and us a chance?
How about changing that zero tolerance into zero intolerance? Why not dare ask questions about the other person’s culture and way of life? Let us have the courage to let our guard down for a moment and open up enough for this person to ask us questions about our culture and way of life. How about if we learned to accept that while a person from another culture is living and breathing in our own culture, it is totally impossible for him/her to completely abandon his/her cultural values in order to become what we want her to become?
Let’s be totally honest with ourselves at least: Would any of us really renounce who we are and where we come from just to become what somebody else asks us to become?
If we are not willing to lose our identity, why should we ask somebody else to lose theirs?
I believe with all my heart that if we practiced positive feelings—zero intolerance, zero non-acceptance, zero indifference, zero cruelty—every day, the premise that states that division by zero is impossible would continue being true, not only in mathematics, but also at the human level. We would not be divided anymore; we would simply be building a better world for all of us.
Hoping to have touched your soul in a meaningful way,
Adriana Adarve, Asheville, NC


2017年09月01日(金)NEW ! 
Former algebraic approach was formally perfect, but it merely postulated existence of sets and morphisms [18] without showing methods to construct them. The primary concern of modern algebras is not how an operation can be performed, but whether it maps into or onto and the like abstract issues [19–23]. As important as this may be for proofs, the nature does not really care about all that. The PM’s concerns were not constructive, even though theoretically significant. We need thus an approach that is more relevant to operations performed in nature, which never complained about morphisms or the allegedly impossible division by zero, as far as I can tell. Abstract sets and morphisms should be de-emphasized as hardly operational. My decision to come up with a definite way to implement the feared division by zero was not really arbitrary, however. It has removed a hidden paradox from number theory and an obvious absurd from algebraic group theory. It was necessary step for full deployment of constructive, synthetic mathematics (SM) [2,3]. Problems hidden in PM implicitly affect all who use mathematics, even though we may not always be aware of their adverse impact on our thinking. Just take a look at the paradox that emerges from the usual prescription for multiplication of zeros that remained uncontested for some 5000 years 0  0 ¼ 0 ) 0  1=1 ¼ 0 ) 0  1 ¼ 0 1) 1ð? ¼ ?Þ1 ð0aÞ This ‘‘fact’’ was covered up by the infamous prohibition on division by zero [2]. How ingenious. If one is prohibited from dividing by zero one could not obtain this paradox. Yet the prohibition did not really make anything right. It silenced objections to irresponsible reasonings and prevented corrections to the PM’s flamboyant axiomatizations. The prohibition on treating infinity as invertible counterpart to zero did not do any good either. We use infinity in calculus for symbolic calculations of limits [24], for zero is the infinity’s twin [25], and also in projective geometry as well as in geometric mapping of complex numbers. Therein a sphere is cast onto the plane that is tangent to it and its free (opposite) pole in a point at infinity [26–28]. Yet infinity as an inverse to the natural zero removes the whole absurd (0a), for we obtain [2] 0 ¼ 1=1 ) 0  0 ¼ 1=12 > 0 0 ð0bÞ Stereographic projection of complex numbers tacitly contradicted the PM’s prescribed way to multiply zeros, yet it was never openly challenged. The old formula for multiplication of zeros (0a) is valid only as a practical approximation, but it is group-theoretically inadmissible in no-nonsense reasonings. The tiny distinction in formula (0b) makes profound theoretical difference for geometries and consequently also for physical applications. T


10,000 Year Clock
by Renny Pritikin
Conversation with Paolo Salvagione, lead engineer on the 10,000-year clock project, via e-mail in February 2010.

For an introduction to what we’re talking about here’s a short excerpt from a piece by Michael Chabon, published in 2006 in Details: ….Have you heard of this thing? It is going to be a kind of gigantic mechanical computer, slow, simple and ingenious, marking the hour, the day, the year, the century, the millennium, and the precession of the equinoxes, with a huge orrery to keep track of the immense ticking of the six naked-eye planets on their great orbital mainspring. The Clock of the Long Now will stand sixty feet tall, cost tens of millions of dollars, and when completed its designers and supporters plan to hide it in a cave in the Great Basin National Park in Nevada, a day’s hard walking from anywhere. Oh, and it’s going to run for ten thousand years. But even if the Clock of the Long Now fails to last ten thousand years, even if it breaks down after half or a quarter or a tenth that span, t
his mad contraption will already have long since fulfilled its purpose. Indeed the Clock may have accomplished its greatest task before it is ever finished, perhaps without ever being built at all. The point of the Clock of the Long Now is not to measure out the passage, into their unknown future, of the race of creatures that built it. The point of the Clock is to revive and restore the whole idea of the Future, to get us thinking about the Future again, to the degree if not in quite the way same way that we used to do, and to reintroduce the notion that we don’t just bequeath the future—though we do, whether we think about it or not. We also, in the very broadest sense of the first person plural pronoun, inherit it.

Renny Pritikin: When we were talking the other day I said that this sounds like a cross between Borges and the vast underground special effects from Forbidden Planet. I imagine you hear lots of comparisons like that…

Paolo Salvagione: (laughs) I can’t say I’ve heard that comparison. A childhood friend once referred to the project as a cross between Tinguely and Fabergé. When talking about the clock, with people, there’s that divide-by-zero moment (in the early days of computers to divide by zero was a sure way to crash the computer) and I can understand why. Where does one place, in one’s memory, such a thing, such a concept? After the pause, one could liken it to a reboot, the questions just start streaming out.

RP: OK so I think the word for that is nonplussed. Which the thesaurus matches with flummoxed, bewildered, at a loss. So the question is why even (I assume) fairly sophisticated people like your friends react like that. Is it the physical scale of the plan, or the notion of thinking 10,000 years into the future—more than the length of human history?

PS: I’d say it’s all three and more. I continue to be amazed by the specificity of the questions asked. Anthropologists ask a completely different set of questions than say, a mechanical engineer or a hedge fund manager. Our disciplines tie us to our perspectives. More than once, a seemingly innocent question has made an impact on the design of the clock. It’s not that we didn’t know the answer, sometimes we did, it’s that we hadn’t thought about it from the perspective of the person asking the question. Back to your question. I think when sophisticated people, like you, thread this concept through their own personal narrative it tickles them. Keeping in mind some people hate to be tickled.

RP: Can you give an example of a question that redirected the plan? That’s really so interesting, that all you brainiacs slaving away on this project and some amateur blithely pinpoints a problem or inconsistency or insight that spins it off in a different direction. It’s like the butterfly effect.

PS: Recently a climatologist pointed out that our equation of time cam, (photo by Rolfe Horn) (a cam is a type of gear: link) a device that tracks the difference between solar noon and mundane noon as well as the precession of the equinoxes, did not account for the redistribution of water away from the earth’s poles. The equation-of-time cam is arguably one of the most aesthetically pleasing parts of the clock. It also happens to be one that is fairly easy to explain. It visually demonstrates two extremes. If you slice it, like a loaf of bread, into 10,000 slices each slice would represent a year. The outside edge of the slice, let’s call it the crust, represents any point in that year, 365 points, 365 days. You could, given the right amount of magnification, divide it into hours, minutes, even seconds. Stepping back and looking at the unsliced cam the bottom is the year 2000 and the top is the year 12000. The twist that you see is the precession of the equinoxes. Now here’s the fun part, there’s a slight taper to the twist, that’s the slowing of the earth on its axis. As the ice at the poles melts we have a redistribution of water, we’re all becoming part of the “slow earth” movement.

RP: Are you familiar with Charles Ray’s early work in which you saw a plate on a table, or an object on the wall, and they looked stable, but were actually spinning incredibly slowly, or incredibly fast, and you couldn’t tell in either case? Or, more to the point, Tim Hawkinson’s early works in which he had rows of clockwork gears that turned very very fast, and then down the line, slower and slower, until at the end it approached the slowness that you’re dealing with?

PS: The spinning pieces by Ray touches on something we’re trying to avoid. We want you to know just how fast or just how slow the various parts are moving. The beauty of the Ray piece is that you can’t tell, fast, slow, stationary, they all look the same. I’m not familiar with the Hawkinson clockwork piece. I’ve see the clock pieces where he hides the mechanism and uses unlikely objects as the hands, such as the brass clasp on the back of a manila envelope or the tab of a coke can.

RP: Spin Sink (1 Rev./100 Years) (1995), in contrast, is a 24-foot-long row of interlocking gears, the smallest of which is driven by a whirring toy motor that in turn drives each consecutively larger and more slowly turning gear up to the largest of all, which rotates approximately once every one hundred years.

PS: I don’t know how I missed it, it’s gorgeous. Linking the speed that we can barely see with one that we rarely have the patience to wait for.

RP: : So you say you’ve opted for the clock’s time scale to be transparent. How will the clock communicate how fast it’s going?

PS: By placing the clock in a mountain we have a reference to long time. The stratigraphy provides us with the slowest metric. The clock is a middle point between millennia and seconds. Looking back 10,000 years we find the beginnings of civilization. Looking at an earthenware vessel from that era we imagine its use, the contents, the craftsman. The images painted or inscribed on the outside provide some insight into the lives and the languages of the distant past. Often these interpretations are flawed, biased or over-reaching. What I’m most enchanted by is that we continue to construct possible pasts around these objects, that our curiosity is overwhelming. We line up to see the treasures of Tut, or the remains of frozen ancestors. With the clock we are asking you to create possible futures, long futures, and with them the narratives that made them happen.

再生核研究所声明 424(2018.3.29):  レオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチとゼロ除算


ダ・ヴィンチの名言 格言|無こそ最も素晴らしい存在


レオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチ。ルネッサンス期を代表する芸術家、画家、彫刻家、建築技師、設計士、兵器開発者、科学者、哲学者、解剖学者、動物学者、ファッションデザイナーその他広い分野で活躍し「万能の人(uomo universale:ウォモ・ウニヴェルサーレ)」と称えられる人物

そもそも西欧諸国が、アリストテレス以来、無や真空、ゼロを嫌い、ゼロの西欧諸国への導入は相当に遅れ、西欧へのアラビヤ数字の導入は レオナル


ローマ数字では「I, II, III, X, XV」のように文字を並べて記すため大きな数を扱うのには不便でした。対してアラビア数字はローマ数字に比べてとても分かりやすく、効率的で便利だったのです。そこでフィボナッチはアラビア数字を「算術の書」という書物にまとめ、母国に紹介しました。アラビア数字では0から9までの数字と位取り記数法が使われていますが、計算に使うにはとても便利だったために、ヨーロッパで広く受け入れられることになりました。(

historicalmathematicians.blogspot.com/2012/03/blog-post.html  02/03/2012 -)

ゼロや無に対する恐怖心、嫌疑観は現在でも欧米諸国の自然な心情と考えられる。ところが上記ダ・ヴィンチの言葉は 如何であろう。無について好ましいものとして真正面から捉えていることが分かる。ゼロ除算の研究をここ4年間して来て、驚嘆すべきこととして驚かされた。ゼロの意味、ゼロ除算の心を知っていたかのような言明である。

まず、上記で、無を、時間的に未来と過去の間に存在すると言っているので、無とはゼロのことであると解釈できる。ゼロとの捉え方は四則演算を考えているので、その解釈の適切性を述べている。足しても引いても変わらない。これはゼロの本質ではないか。さらに、凄いこと、掛けても割っても、ゼロと言っていると解釈でき、それはゼロ除算の最近の発見を意味している:  0/1 =1/0=0。- ゼロ除算を感覚的に捉えていたと解釈できる。ところが更に、凄いことを述べている。

この無は、全体に等しい部分、部分に等しい全体を持つ。これはゼロ除算の著書DIVISION BY ZERO CALCULUS(原案)に真正面から書いている我々の得た、達したゼロに対する認識そのものである:

{\bf Fruitful world}\index{fruitful world}


For example, in very and very general partial differential equations, if the coefficients or terms are zero, we have some simple differential equations and the extreme case is all the terms are zero; that is, we have trivial equations $0=0$; then its solution is zero. When we see the converse, we see that the zero world is a fruitful one and it means some vanishing world. Recall \index{Yamane phenomena}Yamane phenomena, the vanishing result is very simple zero, however, it is the result from some fruitful world. Sometimes, zero means void or nothing world, however, it will show some changes as in the Yamane phenomena.


{\bf From $0$ to $0$; $0$ means all and all are $0$}


As we see from our life figure, a story starts from the zero and ends to the zero. This will mean that $0$ means all and all are $0$, in a sense. The zero is a mother of all.


その意味は深い。我々はゼロの意味をいろいろと捉え考え、ゼロとはさらに 基準を表すとか、不可能性を示すとか、無限遠点の反映であるとか、ゼロの2重性とかを述べている。ゼロと無限の関係をも述べている。ダ・ヴィンチの鋭い世界観に対する境地に驚嘆している。

以 上


A cool article to understand humans who control TBS ‘s press department, making incredibly incoherent editing, extremely bad biased coverage of the TBS (Mainichi Broadcasting) program of the previous chapter, It is in the topic interview feature by Ms. Yoshiko Sakurai and Mr. Naoki Hyakuta of the monthly magazine WiLL released on the 25th, ‘Japan, regain the history!’

Preamble abridgment.

‘Spirit remodeling’ of GHQ to Japan


After the US presidential election in 2016, the fairness of the press has become a worldwide problem as the word ‘fake news’ by President Trump has become a hot topic.

Even in Japan, unilateral criticism of the Abe administration of major media, public opinion manipulation by intentional editing, etc. are rampant.

Alright, when did such biased coverage come to be done?


I am writing about Japanese history now.

The fact that I realize that I am studying again is that the Japanese ‘spirit remodeling’ by GHQ still has a lasting effect.


The occupation policy of GHQ was unprecedentedly harsh in world history.


The mind of the Japanese was destroyed by ‘War Gilt Information program’ (masochistic thought) planting sense of atonement.

The American Education for Japan thought education took in the brainwashing know-how that the Chinese Communist Party gave to the prisoners of Japan and the Kuomintang at Yan’an and Nosaka Sanzo also cooperated with the occupation policy of GHQ.

Especially the press code was bad.

A total of 30 items ‘Japanese should not write’ to Japanese newspaper publishers and publishers, for example, criticism of the GHQ, the Allied Powers and the Tokyo Trial were strictly forbidden.

Moreover, criticism of Koreans was forbidden for some reason, too.


We should not say that the Constitution was made by the United States and we were also prohibited from promoting nationalism, so we could not look at Japan obediently.

Of course, we should not reveal the existence of the censorship system itself.


Besides censorship, a burning book was also held.

They disposed thoroughly unfavorable publication for the Allied Powers at libraries and university museums.

Speaking of burning books, it is famous for history by Qin Shin Emperor and Nazis.

This is the worst cultural destruction, history destruction.


America has dyed hands the same way.

The United States, which says freedom of speech, thought and belief, applied full double standards to Japan.

Eto Jun was the one who pointed out that thing properly.


Over 7 thousand books were forfeited, those who resist ‘Please leave it as an important document’ was harsh, being sentenced to imprisonment for ten years or less.

In Article 10 of the Potsdam Declaration, it is written that ‘The Government of Japan must promote democracy. Freedom of speech, religion and thought, and respect for fundamental human rights must be established.’

This is a violation of the obvious ‘Potsdam Declaration’ beyond mere double criteria.

Distorted learning


The expulsion of public officials was also terrible.

Because more than 200 thousand people who were assigned the important office, including the government office, were unable to work.


Ichiro Hatoyama on the verge of being appointed prime minister was also expelled from the public office.

Even those who are not convenient for GHQ will be disposed of even by the Prime Minister candidate, much more ordinary people cannot speak much bad.

Especially, it was the educational circle that was terrible.


Excellent professors of Tokyo University and Kyoto University were also disposed of in large quantities.


Prior to the war, anarchists and owner of revolutionary thought had been kicked out of the imperial university.

However, after the war, they returned to the teacher one after another finding favor with GHQ, and soon eventually dominated university education.

That idea has penetrated even higher and secondary education, and it reaches now.


There were cases where scholars who had a decent idea turned to change to be loved by GHQ.

A typical example is Toshiyoshi Miyazawa, a constitutional scholar.


He was critical of the Constitution of Japan and the Constitution of Japan was said to be a ‘pressing constitution’ by GHQ.

However, witnessing the appearance of colleagues purged by GHQ, he changed his thought completely.


It has changed by a hundred and eighty degrees.


The ‘August Revolutionary Theory’ was started to argue newly.

Briefly, acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration in August 1945 is a kind of revolution, at that time Japan changed from sovereignty of the Emperor to national sovereignty.

In other words, the idea that the Constitution of Japan is the right Constitution made possible by the revolution.


Mr. Miyazawa kept reigning at the top of the Tokyo University Constitutional Course since then.


In a vertical society university, Miyazawa Constitution Studies will be handed over ‘Thankful words’ by assistant professors and assistant.

In fact, it seems that the University of Tokyo still teaches that the August Revolution theory is correct.

Judging from the fact that the August Revolution theory is also a common theory in the judicial examination, I cannot deny that the JFBA has become a strange organization.

‘Entry Elite’ who entered the University of Tokyo by entrance exam with only memorization let them study such outrageous theory.

Whether it is the Treasury Department or the Ministry of Education, the bureaucrats who are making noise news will surely come from the University of Tokyo law department.

Because they cannot think that things by themselves, ‘pretending to obey but secretly betraying’ and say it is only possible to pull the legs of politics.


A lot of bureaucrats who do not consider the national interest are seen also in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Another person I would like to introduce is Yokota Kisaburo.

He is also an authority of the university of Tokyo Faculty of Law, but continues to say that the Constitution of Japan is not pressing, and during the occupation it is also issuing a book called ‘Emperor System’ that advocated abolition of the Emperor System.

However, in the later years, when appointed Chief Justice of Japan, he gathered the pupils and purchased his books at an old book store in Kanda for disposal.

‘Indeed, the abolition of the Emperor System was unfavorable’ he thought.

So, I cannot find his book quite easily.


It has done without thinking being ashamed of the horrible thing, too.

What distorted academics is nothing but a tragedy.

The apostasy of the Asahi Newspaper


If you turn backwards, that is how tightening of GHQ was strict.

Losing your job in Japan, then the poorest country in the world, is literally involved in life and death.


For the people who were expelled, it was such a terrible situation that they were thrown away by the abyss of living or dead in the sense that families had to cultivate.


Another thing I would like to say is that the civil service bureau of GHQ, who led the expulsion of public office, cannot have enough people to list over 200,000 Japanese.

So, who was it that helped with this?


It is Japanese.

In cooperation with GHQ, there was a Japanese who banished the Japanese.


Socialists and communists used opportunities of purge of public office to eliminate political enemies.

Even within the company, there seems to be a lot of cases in which the boss and his co
lleague were kicked off and the career was promoted.

* Mr. Takayama Masayuki taught that many Chongryon officials got jobs including NHK, had taken advantage of the mess after the war,

The reason why they, or their descendants, still dominate NHK, TV Asahi, TBS etc. is probably due to chasing down as above *

This draft continues.

LESS THAN HUMAN もっと世界を自由に。




「真実か、嘘か」デヴィッド・R・ホーキンズ、2005年、第1章 知覚に関する歴史Truth vs. Falsehood, David R. Hawkins, 2005, Chapter 1 Historical Perspective, page 3, (A)















From earliest times to the present day, mankind has pondered and struggled with the enigma of its origin, purpose, and destiny: Who are we? Where did we come from? Where do we go after death of the body, if anywhere?

Over the millennia, a myriad of plausible postulations have sought to offer a satisfying resolution. There arose a number of myths, systems, and philosophical discussions, as well as a plethora of imagination and creative cosmologies, each of which, however, became the stating point for whole additional set of questions, doubts, and conflicts.

It was postulated that mankind came from the heavens or that the earth was the primordial mother. Pantheism struggled that animal spirits and nature were the origin of human life that evolved into polytheism and pantheons of god-like, divine figures, each with personalities and limited, but specified, domains.

In various parts of the world, however, truth via spiritual inspiration and information emerged through the fabled sages and then in the form of the great avatars who founded the great religious that brought some resolution in rational sections of the world’s population, but again, neither peace nor creating arose. In fact, the followers of each leader often fragmented themselves into competitive factions that utilized religious belief system as the justification and basis for persecution hatred, and genocide. Paradoxically, in peace, some misinterpretations of the major religious became the blatantly diametrical opposite of the core of their own teachings.

There deviations from the truth of their own teachings created skepticism about the authority and integrity of not only the institution but also of its theology. In addiction on the loss of credibility, there was a negative impact on public opinion. Theocracies appeared to be not only dogmatic but also oppressive, and often, adherence to their tents was from fear rather respect for an intuitive recognition of truth. In many parts of the world, the reputation of religion progressively deteriorated. At the present time, for example, Western Europe and large parts of North America have shown a progressive secularization that is now accelerated by the negative impact of the current militant Islamics and the scandals of some Christian churches.

Religious and spiritual skepticism was also a by-product of the fall of authoritarianism as a sufficiency upon which to place confidence. In the last few centuries, the emergence of the dominance of the science and the scientific paradigm of reality further diminished the credibility of religious dogma, particularly ecclesiastic authority. Religious conflict was progressively replaced by political ideologies that, paradoxically, were as oppressive 
As the dogmas they were purposed to replace.

A new period of inquisition arrived, such as that which the people of Tibet, China, Russia, Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, North Africa, The Arabic countries, and Cuba have been subjected in recent time. Then, unfortunately for the world there was a merging of political extremism with religious zealotry, as exemplified by Islamic radicalism that threatens the world with its violence and fanaticism, in contrast to which secularization seems a welcome relief.

Unlike power, which has no opposite, force always precipitates counterforce, which the opposing force are political, religious, or both. Truth, however, has no opposite because falsehood is not the opposite of truth but merely its absence, just as darkness is not opposite of light but merely represents the lack of it.

At approximately the time of the humanic Convergence in the late 1980s, the consciousness level of mankind suddenly jumped for centuries, to 205, which is above critical level of truth and integrity at 200. In more advanced culture of the world, this rise in the consciousness level resulted in replacing gain with integrity as the yardstick of success. The ensured a period of time in which nonintegrous companies and their CEOs were the center of scandal, which at the time, the company that had the highest level of integrity of the giant corporations worldwide became the largest and most successful company in the world.

Of critical importance is that in November 2003, at the time of (but not “caused by”) the Harmonic Concordance, the consciousness level of mankind, after being stable for nealy two decades, rose again to the present level of 207.

During the same time period, consciousness research advanced as a consequence of the discovery of a means to differentiate truth from falsehood. It was forced that truth was a simple “yes” or “no” but that it was expressible over a calibrated, logarithmic scale from 1 to 1,000. Because consciousness is present everywhere and beyond the limitations of time or space, there is a whole new science of consciousness that, because it has no limit, also enable s research into spiritual concepts, spiritual teachings, and the verification of spiritual realities as well as every aspect of society. A new definition of truth emerged that is defined not as a consequence of just content, as in Newtonian physics, but as the consequence of content within a specific field. It was discovered that without reference to the field, there was no possible, reliable statement of truth.

Because consciousness research has no limitations as to matter, it allows investigation into areas previously through to be accessible only by advanced science, the mystic, or great spiritual geniuses over time. Thus, by the use of the same investigative method, it was possible to identify and calibrate the levels of truth of spiritual concepts, teachers and teachings the highest levels of truth in history were realized by the great mystics whose energy fields still impact all mankind to the day, whether acknowledged or not.

Even when spiritual reality is denied, such as by the atheist or skeptic, and overall context of ethics and morality still remains that rules all mankind in all ages, even through recognition of its origination is denied. At the present time, intellectual as well as ethical and spiritual endeavor are facilitated by these adva
nces of consciousness overall as well as by the rapid development of information about the quality of consciousness itself.

The most recent advanced scientific theory postulate that there is a common submatrix to all physical existence, consisting of high-frequency fields of energy (this statement calibrates at 1,000). The difficulty with integrating spiritual truth, consciousness research, and advanced theorical physics is that the mind thinks dualistically. Thus, to observation and description, perceived “reality” seems to be repeated into different categories of domains or realms, such as the physical versus the nonphysical, or the experimental versus the observable, as demarcated by the following list of comparisons:









第一五章 無条件の愛、こころの底からの喜び、エクスタシー(計測レベル540~599)(8)
Transcending the levels of consciousness, David R. Hawkins, 2006,
Chapter 15 love, Joy, and Ecstasy (Calibration Level 540~599)
















(訳者注:Reify (vb) to consider or make (an abstract idea or concept) real or concrete. 

― 第一五章 無条件の愛、こころの底からの喜び、エクスタシー 終わり ―

Spiritual Phenomena: The Siddhi 
From consciousness level 540 and up the higher 500s, phenomena occur spontaneously that inexplicable by reason, the customary conceptualization of logic, or course and effect. They are an accompaniment to the progressive dominance of the spiritual energy (Kundalini) and occur a consequence of the contextual field rather their by volition. They are witnessed and seen to occur a consequence of the contextual field rather than by volition. They are witnessed and seen to occur autonomously. These have been classically termed Siddhi (Sanskrit) and denote ‘supranatural’ or ‘miraculous/mystical powers’, as they are not explicable by logic.

In the early stages of their appearance they may be sporadic, but as consciousness advances, they become frequent and sometimes continuous. They are unintended and arise of their own accord. These include faculties such as distant viewing precognition, clairvoyance, extrasensory perception, psychometry, bilocation, and the occurrence of the miraculous, including spontaneous healing and transformations. There are also unique facilitations that are beyond expectation or possible explanation.

The capacities or phenomena are not within personal control: they are not the consequence of ‘cause and effect’. Therefore, students are forewarned not to claim them as personal as they occur independently of the person’s ‘I’, oneself. Thus, as said previously, no ‘person’ performs miracles for they are solely a consequence of the Spirit. Inflation of the spiritual ego is precluded by honesty and humility, which results in temptation of exploitation for gain. The phenomena tend to emerge and become strong for variable durations of years. Some seen to fade away and become less predominant, and others continue permanently.

The Kundalini energy flow is itself extraordinary in that subjectively, the sensation can only be described as exquisite as it flows up the back and into the brain, emerges as though through the heart chakra, and then goes on out into the world where its presence facilitates are witnessed as happening without intention. It is as though Divine qualities are brought into manifestation vis high realms that transcend the mundane physical world.

Eventually, the apparent ‘extraordinary’ becomes a new reality as though one now lives in a different dimension in which the seemingly impossible manifests effortlessly as through orchestrated. The power of the field autonomously facilitates the emergence of karmic potentiality into manifested actuality in a harmonious unfoldment. The dynamics are nonlinear and therefore incomprehensible to the intellect, which presumes the limitation of the linear Newtonian model of causality and is unable to conceptualize emergence, Divine Order, or Harmony.

Siddhi is a Sanskrit noun which can be translated as “perfection”, “accomplishment”, “attainment”, or “success”.
Siddhi not to be confused with the African… people of India (through sometimes spelt identically). Siddhi is Sanskrit is term for spiritual power… their path. Other perceptive hold that each Siddhi should be pursued because it will allow…

Transcending Joy and Ecstasy 
The surrendering of all limiting beliefs, positionalities, doubts, and attachments allows for the inflow of spiritual energy, which is the concomitance of devotion (cal. 555). Persistent devotion to spiritual truth and love allows for the dissolution of resistances. Transcendence requires the relinquishment of all attachments, even those characterized by self and society as ‘responsibilities’. Thus, relationships, positions, titles, and social roles are eventually abandoned to the commitment to realize the Self or reach the state of Enlightenment. The reluctant devote who holds back clings to doubt and asks naively, But what about? The solution is to surrender all the ‘but what about’s’ to God and Divine Providence.

A major transition also necessitates responsibility to others by making necessitates responsibility to others by making necessary and realistic adjustments and helping to accept the required changes. This transition may therefore take considerable courage and patience as well as conviction, for it brings up residual doubts, attachments, guilt, and the like.

The eventuality of a major leap in consciousness is seldom taken into consideration as a serious possibility, much less a likelihood, among most aspirants who, unless forewarned, may not have made anticipatory plans. Therefore, serious students should be informed and also have spiritual alliance or relationships that are capable of recognizing advanced states of consciousness.

The inner state is progressively dominant as self diminishes by the eclipse of the Self. The consequent changes, both inner and outer, turn out to be more major than anticipated.

The emergence of progressively higher levels of consciousness requires periods of adjustment, such as that required by a new pair of glass, and thus, worldly function may be impaired periodically due to shifts of orientation. In this reorientation, phenomena are discovered to be happening spontaneously of their own rather than via usual presumed premise of cause and effect. Pleasure is no longer something one acquires but is innate consequent to the power of the field rather than via some agency or personal decision. It is also progressively discovered that there is actually no ‘doer’ of actions, and one witness the autonomous unfoldment of karmic potentiality from a new paradigm of reality that is beyond the presumptive dualistic principle of creation. Thus, life becomes an endless serious of revelations of intrinsic claim and delight that initially seem amazing. Then comes the realization that what appears to be miracles is merely the constant unfolding of the potentiality of the evolution of Creation by which the subjective experience of time dissolves and is replaced by the knowingness of all Is-ness. Likewise, the perception of ‘change’ is replaced by the progressive emergence of the ongoingness of Creation as becoming the fulfillment of potentiality’s actualizing into manifestation. With neither past nor future, likewise, there is no ‘now’, and it is comprehend that the past, present, or future are all illusory contexualizations consequence consequent to the limitation of a paradigm. With the surrendering of all belief systems and positionalities, the unfoldment of Creation is self-revealing. The unfolding process may bring up presentations, uncertainties, or transitory doubt that have to be surrendered to faith and devotion as there is very rarely a really advanced spiritual teacher available for cons
ultation. At these points, the knowingness inherent as a vibratory frequency within the field of consciousness itself unfolds and reveals the reality of the emerging paradigm. By virtue of the Radiance of the Self, the revealing effalgences are silent. The world then becomes a revelation of Essence rather than an appearance.

The self-revelation becomes progressively recognized and identified Knowingness as Divinity. The major shift of paradigm cannot be anticipated or even really imaged, and it onset is sometimes describes cryptically as ‘God shock’. The consequence is profound awe by which the mind goes silent in the presence of Divinity and disappears at level 600. Henceforth, all is merely as it as a continuous unfoldment that reveals itself as neither beginnings nor endings nor division such as ‘then’, ‘now’, or the ‘future’. Realization no longer occurs as a consequence of mentalization, through or by the agents of a personal self because it no longer exists.

Adherence to basic spiritual principles is requisite to major transformation, and of these, faith, devotion, and surrender are its primary modalities. It merely requires the surrendering of any and all belief systems and the understanding that all fear is illusion due merely to clinging to a positionality and its presumptions, including one’s adherence and faith in the familiar, customary paradigm of ‘reality’. Nothing is a actually the way the ego has perceived it for linear dimension is merely presumptive,
And the nonlinear Absolute is a very different paradigm that operates on totally different principles that are self-revealing rather than sequential understanding or comprehension.

In reality, ‘existence’ is its meaning and identical with it. These is no subject, predicate, or verb, and the understanding it beyond languaging. As can be best stated, the ‘meaning’ of a thing is it ‘is’. Identity is its meaning. It becomes apparent that all delineation and definition are dualistic abstractions and mentations that circuitously reify their original definition. Truth is autonomously self-encompassing Oneness of Existence is its own definition and meaning. Thus, a cat ‘knows’ it is cat by virtue of being a cat and therefore is not dualistically separated from its own reality. The knower and the known are one and the same identity.

The transcendence of spiritual ecstasy and joy depends on the willingness to surrender all to God, no matter what, including even the exquisite ate of ecstasy, which is of a dimension beyond description. The state itself is now a temptation and can delay the evolution to the sate of Enlightenment. At first, there is a reluctance and dismay to surrendering such a glorious condition to God, and yet, there arises a knowingness that even this wonderment, too, must be released. The anguish and hesitancy of having to take the step reveals that an attachment to the condition and its wonderment has ready unwittingly taken place. Then because of commitment and intention, there is conditional that yes, this, too must be surrendered “to thee, O Load,” and with its surrender, an infinite Peace prevails that is beyond all understanding or description at level 600. The condition reveals itself to be the actuality of the Peace of God.


Marcerate  refers to softening solids by breaking them into pieces. The Saniflo macerating systems has a rotating cutting blade which liquefy the feces and toilet paper. Thus, when the feces are mixed with flushing water, it will easily flush into the drain. 
Installing a toilet in the room can be a complicated process. Sometimes, the main drainpipe is located too further away. If the sink is lower than the drainpipe, the installation of the toilet will be not operable. With the Saniflo upflushing toilet, you will be able to minimize the installation procedure.
The Saniflos macerator units have a tested blade type grinding system which can pump the human feces up to a distance of 150 feet and up to height of 18 feet. You can also activate the macerator system to pump the waste away into the septic tank or sewer. The waste is pumped into a holding septic tank which functions as a sewer system that complies with the applicable codes.
If the Saniflo unit is properly used, it will not emit any smells. The latest Saniflo model has a carbon filter in the air inlet valve. In order to keep your Saniflo system in good condition, you must pour in a strong disinfectant into the WC pan. The strong disinfectant must be poured into a bucket with about 8  9 liters of water. After that, you can pour the water into the WC pan and turn the power on. Before turning the power on, you should leave it for about 1  2 hours.  Once the power is switched on, the unit will pump out and flush the WC.
Saniflo system is economical because it can last for a long time. According to the National Recognized laboratory, the Saniflo system can last for 50,000 cycles. For example, If you flush 10 times per day, It can last for thirteen and a half year. Since this is just an estimate, the Saniflo system can last for a longer period. In addition, it helps to reduce the labor costs and increase flexibility. However, sanitary items and tampons should not be disposed through the Saniflo toilet because it can cause blockage. 
The motor of the macerator system does not need maintenance because it has no gear or brushes to wear out. The motor is covered with oil so that it can last for a long time without constant maintenance. 
Saniflo system is environmentally friendly because they use less water than a standard toilet system. The saniflo upflushing toilet functions just like a primary sewage treatment system or secondary municipal sewage treatment system. When the solid enter the sewage system, it will become a liquid state and reduce the anaerobic bacteria activity.
Saniflo toilets are usually installed in bed and breakfast houses, restaurants and factories. It is also used in residential homes including bathrooms, loft conversions and garage conversions.


RT @bucchigiri: HUMAN-LEのLE、プログラマ的にはLess than or Equal toだなとすぐ思うし、DTMer的にはLimited Editionみたいなイメージもある >RT
RT @bucchigiri: HUMAN-LEのLE、プログラマ的にはLess than or Equal toだなとすぐ思うし、DTMer的にはLimited Editionみたいなイメージもある >RT
We human beings no less make mistakes than we breathe.
less than human KRIPTOS ご紹介☆ https://t.co/zDHITKFLuI https://t.co/bUENaSC8mR


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